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    Monday, December 04, 2006


    December 4, 2006 at 11:43 AM in Current Affairs | Permalink


    Post Thanksgiving w/Patricia Madrid

    Friday a big check went to the battered woman's shelter in Las Cruces. 59K

    The money source was the huge settlement from Microsoft won by our Attorney General.

    It is frustrating that Patsy makes these gestures for our New Mexican citizens in need and no-one even knows or cares. There are so many as a result of the vast largess she has won for this state.

    Even the casino money that she "took" was in actuality "won" for the substantial benefit of Highlands University in Las Vegas. In turn, Highlands benefits the COMMON GOOD of our New Mexicans to the North.

    A great deal of the Microsoft money went to our homeless shelters and soup kitchens.

    Patsy has to spend the money. She won it. She has been entrusted to choose priorities for the COMMON GOOD. She won it for us by virtue of her crack team of attorneys and her ability to lead. These wins are made from Big Corporations that have wronged the State of New Mexico in the past. It is money owed to all the citizens of New Mexico.

    Common Cause wants to wrest our government from greed; Consider that funds that go to the homeless and abused woman and children generate no direct political benefit. Our citizens in need have no money to donate to the Dems. They don't even vote.

    Consider the priceless, long-term, indirect benefits that Patricia has bestowed.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 4, 2006 2:50:26 PM

    I agree more people need to know about such activities but I think it was up to Madrid and her campaign to get that info out. They did a very poor job on that in my opinion. She hid out too much from debates, the media and the public so people didn't really get to know her and trust her. I live in the northeast heights and she was nowhere to be seen up here even though there are many democrats who are usually ignored by candidates.

    I'm also angry she didn't request a least a limited recount. She could have done the common good of voters a big favor as the accuracy of the new scanners could have been checked. Many people would have donated money to cover the costs and she would have gotten positive attention from here and around the country. She blew it on that.

    Posted by: Another Liberal | Dec 5, 2006 11:11:52 AM

    The Democrats need to leave Rubin and his other "free" trade, corporatist economists in the dust. They've had such success in making life better for ordinary Americans so far, haven't they?

    Posted by: I Vote | Dec 6, 2006 11:48:16 AM

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