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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

RSVP Now for Conservation Voters NM Holiday Open House

From Conservation Voters NM:
Please join us at our CVNM Member Appreciation & Holiday Open House Party on December 17th. Help us celebrate a great year for conservation with some informal holiday cheer, food, friends, and awards at the home of:

Marie Wilkinson and Cyril Christo
3880 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe
Please park on Old Santa Fe Trail, enter home via Tatum Lane
December 17th, 2006  4-6 PM
Our open house is a great way for you to hear about CVNM’s 2006 victories and get a glimpse into our 2007 priorities.  We will be celebrating the 91% success rate of our endorsed legislative candidates in the recent election and honoring our invited 2006 Conservation Champions.

Please RSVP no later than Friday, December 15th to RSVP@cvnm.org  or by calling 992.8683. Host Committee: Mayor David Coss, Representative Peter Wirth & Carol Romero-Wirth, Marie Wilkinson, Tammy Fieblekorn, Alan Hamilton,  Jenny Parks, Gregory Green

December 12, 2006 at 11:23 AM in Environment | Permalink


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