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    Sunday, December 24, 2006

    Yuletide 2006: War is Over (If You Want It)

    You'd think this song, originally written and performed by John Lennon and Yoko Ono, would go out of style, at least lyrically. Unfortunately war seems almost eternally with us, largely because certain power blocs have much to gain from it -- politically, financially and in terms of making some dysfunctional individuals feel mighty manly. So here we go again: Merry Xmas, War Is Over If We Want It. Let's think about that as we listen to Sarah McLachlan's new version of the song off her recently released album, Wintersong, while seeing so many innocent children's faces in this video. And as more long, dirty, unnecessary wars rage on in the Middle East and many other places around the Planet Earth. Only we can stop them. Ava at Peace Takes Courage agrees.

    (Click on image for larger version.)

    December 24, 2006 at 11:29 AM in Iraq War, Music, Visuals | Permalink


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