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    Sunday, December 31, 2006

    Ending the Year with The Lynching

    I couldn't end the year without tackling Saddam's "execution." We have come to this, and nobody in the mainstream media seems to have noticed. Dem politicos are silent. My thoughts exactly:

    If you watch the video of the moments leading up to Saddam Hussein's execution, am I wrong that it bears a certain resemblance to the terrorist snuff films we've watched out of Iraq over the last three years? A dark, dank room. The executioners wear not uniforms of any sort, either civilian or military, but street clothes and ski masks. We now learn that the executioners were apparently taken from the population of southern Iraq, the country's Shi'a heartland, where Saddam's repression was most severe. And in an apt symbolic statement on what the Iraq War is about, two of the executioners who saw Saddam off started hailing Moktada al Sadr in Saddam's face as they prepared to hang him. Remember, al Sadr's Mahdi Army is the force the 'surge' of new US troops is meant to crush next year. That's where we are. --Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo

    This too:

    I [once] watched the video of Berg's beheading and it literally made me sick to my stomach. Do not watch it. It's a barbaric, horrible display of inhumanity ... I'm sure the same people who couldn't stop watching that footage --- ostensibly because they were outraged by the atrocity --- are enjoying this footage of Saddam going to his death today. They aren't all that different. There's the same sense of frenetic excitement among the executioners, the same vivid emotion, the same fear in the soon to be executed man's face. I'm hard pressed to say how that kangaroo court and this rushed, chaotic execution represents something so different. Saddam was undoubtedly a guilty man --- but the execution was done with the same symbolic purpose --- and in much the same style --- as those psychos who executed Nick Berg on camera and then ghoulishly passed around the video to make their political point. -- digby at Hullabaloo

    Tell me again about the "civilization" Bush keeps saying we are building there or protecting here. I seem to have lost all perspective.

    December 31, 2006 at 08:36 PM in Iraq War | Permalink


    Thank you for the links and for putting this up.

    Burying 2006: Gerald Ford, Saddam Hussein, and number 3000.

    What a sorry mess. Worst. President. Ever.

    Posted by: bg | Dec 31, 2006 9:03:32 PM

    I agree with bg, thanks. And how about what Juan Cole had to say:

    "But perhaps the death of Saddam, who once haunted the nightmares of a nation, will soon come to seem insignificant. In Iraq, guerrilla and criminal violence executes as many as 500 persons a day. Saddam’s hanging is just one more occasion for a blood feud in a country that now has thousands of them."

    More at


    Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 31, 2006 9:15:18 PM

    I still think Wilson should Resign. How come Wilson never mentions the Civil War, Sadr, Private Milita's, Private Contractors. It's always foreign fighters from "Al Queda in Iraq".
    The majority of foreign fighters in Iraq are US Troops and Mercaneries. Iraqis are resisting.
    It's too bad the American people don't resist.

    Wilson won't support push for more troops
    Wilson will tell White Souse officials that U.S. troops should be used to stamp out the last elements of "al-Qaeda" Nudge Nudge wink wink "in Iraq" and to train the Iraqi army?

    So we are training Iraqis to kill Iraqis???

    1,933 days since WMD said he'd catch Weekend at Osama's 'Dead or Alive!' USA! USA! USA!

    Posted by: | Jan 2, 2007 9:25:22 AM

    Silencing Saddam

    Did Saddam die because he knew too much about the United States' real role in Iraq?

    By Robert Scheer, AlterNet
    January 1, 2007

    Posted by: | Jan 2, 2007 9:00:34 PM

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