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    Thursday, December 21, 2006

    Must See TV

    Check out the video a(or text) at Crooks and Liars. You know it's bad when Joe Scarborough and Mike Barnicle express severe doubts about our president's sanity.

    December 21, 2006 at 01:34 PM in Iraq War, Media, Visuals | Permalink


    I will express the same sentiment here that I did at C&L. I am not impressed with Scarborugh and Barnicle's awakening, they were and are both Bu$h enablers and apologists. Not only did they push his agenda but they pushed ad-nauseam and now the only reason for their "awakening" is that Bu$h has become such a liability to the Reich wing that it's time for them to do "something" and hope that they can maintain some credibility. The really offensive part of what they have done is all the hate filled diatribes, derogatory and un-American comments directed at Democrats and Progressives or to use their favorite term "liberals". Until they preface any acknowledgment of Bu$h's asinine failed agenda and policies with apologies to those who spoke out in disagreement, their "awakening" doesn't mean much.

    Posted by: VP | Dec 22, 2006 9:54:08 AM

    Oh, I don't give them any real credit for finally seeing what a debacle BushCo is but I think it's telling that even they are now piling on. What it means is that Bush is increasingly isolated, with even some of his most vocal supporters now bagging him publicly. Even they are scared by the worsening delusional thinking of the Bush regime.

    Posted by: | Dec 22, 2006 11:30:30 AM

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