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    Wednesday, December 20, 2006

    Vendor Chosen to Analyze Health Care Models that will Close the Health Coverage Gap in NM

    From the NM Human Services Department:
    Santa Fe, New Mexico, December 19, 2006 – An agreement has been reached on behalf of the Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee (Committee), between the state and Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. (Mathematica), to conduct an extensive quantitative and comparative analysis of three health coverage models to help close the health coverage gap in New Mexico. “Governor Bill Richardson charged the Committee with finding a health care model that would get every New Mexico citizen the health care coverage they deserve,” said Secretary Pamela Hyde, Human Services Department. “This contract gets us one step closer to making that a reality.”

    Mathematica was selected the successful bidder from three finalists. Mathematica, Lewin Group, and Health Management Associates were asked to submit best and final offers after careful evaluation of the original proposals and oral presentations before the Committee last month. 

    Mathematica was chosen due to its experience and expertise in financial, actuarial and health policy reform studies, including the experience and expertise of its subcontractors. Mathematica is based in Washington, D.C. and will be using the University of New Mexico's Bureau of Business and Economic Research, Institute of Public Law and Institute of Public Health, and two other subcontractors to conduct this study. The total contract cost to be paid by the state is $310,782.

    Mathematica will be working on a short timeframe to analyze the costs of the three different approaches to closing the health coverage gap in New Mexico. A preliminary report and presentation are due in April 2007, with the final report and presentation due in June 2007.

    The analysis will consider the costs of the models to employers, the state, individuals and health care companies compared to taking no action with the current system. The three models chosen take different approaches to providing a comprehensive approach to provide health insurance or coverage for all New Mexicans. The models are:

    The 23-member Committee and four advisors appointed by the Governor and the Legislative leadership selected these models from several presented to them.

    P.O. Box 2348
    Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504-2348

    For more information contact Betina Gonzales McCracken 505-827-6245 or 505-699-4675

    Editor's Note - Background Info:

    This Santa Fe New Mexican article provides summaries of the three health coverage plans that will be studied.

    Here's a post on State Sen. Dede Feldman's blog on Governor Richardson's formation of the Health Coverage for New Mexicans Committee and its members.

    And here's a recent Albuquerque Journal op/ed column by Eleanor Chavez and Max Bartlett of the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign that describes their plan and reports that "11 out of 19 members of Gov. Bill Richardson's Health Coverage for New Mexicans  ... ranked the New Mexico Health Security Plan as their No. 1 choice to be included in a study that will analyze three different health care reform models and how they impact rising health care costs." Those who attended the this month's DFA-DFNM Meetup had a chance to hear about the plan from Dana Millen of the Health Security for New Mexicans Campaign.

    December 20, 2006 at 10:58 AM in Healthcare | Permalink


    The Health Care for All Campaign is pleased with the choice of Mathematica Policy Research to conduct the study. However since state government is paying for the study, we will have to push in order to have input into the study. Example: A meeting of Mathematica with state officals is being held all day tomorrow to discuss data needs. Any members of the Governor's Committee invited? Of course not. Not even as observers.

    We will need to push for transparency in the study.

    When the preliminary report is public in April, the Health Care for All Campaign will work with our own expert to analyze the report in terms of the needs of the uninsured.

    We intend to bring the report and our draft comments to the people of NM. Stay tuned. Our input is critical as is transparency.

    Posted by: Charlotte | Dec 20, 2006 5:54:54 PM

    Our elected officials including the governor must be required to abide by the same health care rules and provisions. That would be a good indication that the system is to the good.
    I just hope the insurance industry does not overtake the process. Is this too much to hope?

    Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 21, 2006 8:49:32 AM

    Having the insurance industry tak eove rthe process is always a concern. That is why it is so important thatwe as voters, contact the Governor and legislators and let them know we want a model that is real reform and not just an expansion of the current system, includes all people living in New Mexico, and deals with the rising cost of health care.
    I think with the efforts in states across the country that the insurance industry is beginning to come to the table to discuss this issue more than ever. Everyone contact policy makers and carry our message.

    Posted by: | Dec 21, 2006 10:01:36 AM

    I'm a nurse and I agree so strongly with what people above are saying about needing to keep the pressure on. Politicians get so much money from the insurance industry and we can't let them slide by again with cosmetic changes instead of real change. I work every day in our current system and it is breaking down in so many ways. If we don't get real change now we will have to wait a long time for it if ever. Please contact teh governor and your reps and senators

    Posted by: I'm a nurse | Dec 21, 2006 10:46:13 AM

    That sucks that group members weren't invited to the data meeting today. The powerful never seem to get what the word inclusiveness means.

    Posted by: | Dec 21, 2006 12:29:37 PM

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