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    Tuesday, December 05, 2006

    Local Blog Magical Mystery Tour

    I haven't been writing much because of my continuing convalescence. Fatigue and pain meds don't make for compelling posts. But other bloggers around New Mexico have lots going on so I thought I'd take you on a little tour of some of them today.

    Heath Haussamen has a link to Brian Sanderoff's analysis of his polling data compared with actual election results in New Mexico. Heath's also been doing a bang-up job of covering the maneuvers going on in the NM House over leadership positions. Scroll down on the main page.

    Johnny Mango at Albloggerque took second place  to Duke City Fix in the Best Blog category in Albuquerque Mag's Best Of edition. Congrats Johnny! You rock!

    BurqueBabble comments on the continuing saga of Mayor Chavez and the little streetcar line that couldn't (at least for now).

    Avelino at Live From Silver City makes some suggestions about our new paper ballot voting system.

    Duke City Fix features a guest blog about Albuquerque's new pet law.

    My Strange New Mexico is a new entry in the local blog mix, written by a columnist at the Daily Lobo. Welcome.

    Joe Monahan raises the issue of a possible redistricting for NM-01 given Heather's razor-thin win over Madrid this year. He's also doing continuing coverage on the push and pull of power maneuvers over NM legislative leadership posts. Poke around.

    New Mexico FBIHOP, who did an excellent job covering the Madrid-Wilson race, weighs in on the at-least-for-now derailed Nob Hill streetcar project.

    New Mexico Matters demands to know why we didn't have a recount in the NM-01 congressional race. They've been doing a lot of coverage on the PRC, election reform issues and corruption.

    Despite his recent loss (boo!) in the NM Land Commissioner race, Jim Baca is continuing his blogging on energy issues and more over at Only in New Mexico.

    And that's just a taste. There's always action at our growing community of local blogs so check in often by clicking on the links in our NM Blogs section located on our left-hand sidebar. I do.

    December 5, 2006 at 12:28 PM in Media, Web/Tech | Permalink


    Quite an impressive array of New Mexico blogs. This is happening all over and it can only be a good thing, especially with the political blogs. We are all hooking up aren't we?

    Posted by: | Dec 5, 2006 1:08:29 PM

    I am new to this blog and think it's very good. Thanks for doing a good job on NM happenings and I like the blog tour too. There is so much good information out there that nobody has an excuse not to be informed. I like the bird posts too as I have some birds myself and know what good pets they are.

    Posted by: J. Archuleta | Dec 6, 2006 8:55:04 AM

    Thank you for reading the article and for taking the time to write such an extensive comment. Its give who did an excellent job covering the Madrid-Wilson race, weighs in on the at-least-for-now derailed Nob Hill streetcar project.

    Posted by: | Dec 1, 2007 12:28:03 AM

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