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    Wednesday, December 06, 2006

    Gore Nails It (Again)

    Go watch, then go read what Al Gore has to say. Then answer the question, "Who should be his running mate?"

    December 6, 2006 at 04:04 PM in Environment, Iraq War | Permalink


    It's all truly speculation at this point, but I'll go out on a limb and say he won't run. I hope he gets the announced candidates to make strong committments to address global warming and pushs the party to include it in the platform.

    Posted by: suz | Dec 6, 2006 4:37:51 PM

    In honesty, out of several possibilities for a democratic party nomination for president, Gore wouldn't be high on my list. He's a decent enough guy, and I admire his activism, but I'm just not sure I'd want him as president.

    Posted by: < | Dec 7, 2006 8:25:48 AM

    I am certain without the slightest doubt that Al Gore would be a great president.
    He would not be elected because he is not a corporate shill.
    But he is exactly what this country needs as a far sighted leader.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Dec 7, 2006 8:46:40 AM

    Much can happen between now and the presidential primaries and Gore may well be the one to lean on. He DIDN'T support the Iraq war, unlike many of the other potential candidates. How about a Gore - Obama ticket? Obama is another Democrat who spoke out early and passionately against invading Iraq.

    Posted by: Red or Green | Dec 8, 2006 10:30:39 AM

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