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    Tuesday, December 19, 2006

    Merry Christmas from All the George Bushes

    (Click on image for larger version.)

    Memories (nightmares!) are made of this. Watch out, your head might explode while pondering the ironies of this particular family sending out a card that touts "a world at peace" and UNICEF. Pay special attention to Dubya with a cigarette in hand and no belt in his loops. Can you see the seeds of the presidential and human failure he will become? A spoiled, stubborn, clueless, shallow, wise-ass rich boy if I've ever seen one. Back when this card was mailed, I can't believe anyone on the planet believed George W. would become the Leader of the Free World or The Decider. Hat tip to .

    December 19, 2006 at 08:58 AM in Visuals | Permalink


    You want irony? You should see some of the mail I get. Granted, I'm registered as an Independent, not a Democrat (or Republican), but I make no secret of my campaign to have the Bush Administration investigated for Treason.

    However, my father and step-mother being staunch Limbaugh/Coulter Republicans makes it even more ironic that I should be recieving so much Repubican party mail that I never asked for... the good stuff. Better than what they've been getting. One was an invitation to join the Senate Republican Inner Circle, I think it was called. I must be living a double life in my sleep.

    Posted by: | Dec 19, 2006 4:08:33 PM

    Randall, I feel for you! During the November election I got many really negative and ugly mailers from the Heather Wilson campaign even though I've been a registered Democrat all my life. They were really awful and very personal and always had a very bad photo of Madrid on there. I can only imagine what you get from the RNC!

    When I look at the Bush family photo I think of all the blood and dishonor that is on their hands. People now tend to portray Daddy Bush as so much better than W. but he was very damaging in his own right.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Dec 20, 2006 12:07:59 PM

    Well, it doesn't really upset or irritate me. I actually think it's funny. You should've seen how angry my stepmother was that I was getting more "elite" party mail than she was. I just may frame that Inner Circle invitation.

    My brother and dad (both staunch Republicans) are even joking that they're waiting for me to get a personal invitation from Dick Cheney to go on a hunting trip.

    Heheh... of course, I still remember my fiancee's response when I got a letter from Dick Cheney... her first words were "who did you piss off now, Randall!?"

    Posted by: | Dec 20, 2006 10:04:00 PM

    I agree old dem....think of the blood and destruction on this family's hands.
    Is there karma?

    Posted by: Mary Ellen | Dec 21, 2006 2:48:21 PM

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