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    Thursday, December 28, 2006

    2006 Year in Review: Drum Major Institute

    I like the year-end review produced by the Drum Major Institute, a progressive, populist think tank. Click to read or download the report, which emphasizes issues of social and economic justice -- sure to be major topics in the coming presidential race. It's broken down into the following categories:

    They deem 2006 'The Year of Systems Failure' because, "Most Americans were tired of the status quo—on the war, on the economy, on the lapsed ethics of those entrusted to represent our interests. The result: on Election Day, they rebooted, ready to try again."

    Their choices for best national public policy this year? Legislation that would reverse the raid on student aid, protect access to the polls, shield troops from predatory lending, preserve a neutral internet, replace hunger with health and close the Medicare drug plan's donut hole.

    I especially like their rundown on what right-wing think tanks are producing, as well as their Injustice Index, which includes these nuggets:

    Wages that an average CEO earns before lunchtime: more than a full-time minimum wage worker makes in a year

    Ratio of the average U.S. CEO’s annual pay to a minimum wage worker’s: 821:1

    Percentage of women earning less than $40,000 per year who receive no paid vacation time at all: 37

    Payment per episode that Donald Trump receives to host The Apprentice: $3,000,000

    Estimated number of people lined up outside the new M&M store set to open in Times Square responding to ads for “on-the-spot” hiring for 200 jobs, 65 of which were fulltime: between 5,000 and 6,000. Starting salary that drew them there: $10.75 per hour

    Number of households using credit to cover basic living expenses: 7 in 10

    Amount in tax breaks and subsidies that last year’s energy bill paid out to the gas and oil industry during a period of record profits and higher prices at the pump: $6 billion

    Percent of African-American and Latino families that have zero or negative net worth, respectively: 31 and 38

    Total Wal-Mart received in government subsidies, sometimes called “corporate welfare” by activists, in 2005: $3.75 billion

    Percentage of the GDP that went to wages and salaries in the first half of 2006: 51.8

    Time when the percentage of GDP belonging to wages and salaries was lower than in 2006, out of the 77 previous years for which these data are available: never

    Percentage increase in out-of-pocket medical expenses for the average American in the past 5 years: 93

    Estimated amount the U.S. would save each year on paperwork if it adopted single-payer health care: $161,000,000,000

    December 28, 2006 at 11:48 AM in Economy, Populism, Public Policy | Permalink


    Thanks for the compliment! Keep up the great work building the grassroots out in the Southwest.

    Posted by: | Dec 29, 2006 1:40:10 PM

    Excellent reports. I'd never heard of the Drum Major Institute, so thanks for the tip. Elana - keep up the good work. So many wonderful efforts are going on all over America and yours appears to be one of them.

    Posted by: Silver City Jan | Dec 30, 2006 9:44:32 PM

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