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Friday, November 03, 2006

Video Clips: Bill Clinton Speaking at Madrid Rally

Below the fold: video clips of Bill Clinton speaking at the Patricia Madrid GOTV rally in Albuquerque on the evening of Thursday, 11.2.06:

Bush-Repub campaign style

More terrorists, not less

All clips by Mary Ellen using her little digital still camera on vid mode.

November 3, 2006 at 03:24 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink


Was that Bill Richardson back there, all slim and trim? He needs to share his diet secrets with Al Gore.

Posted by: KathyF | Nov 3, 2006 12:43:58 PM

Love the videos. Do you have more? Gov. Bill really has lost weight and looks great.

Posted by: Old Dem | Nov 3, 2006 1:02:16 PM

Join the Madrid campaign's big volunteer push for the last 96 hours before the election. This is our last chance! Click on my name to sign up at her site. Phone calls, door to door, many tasks to do. Call or email them now!

Posted by: | Nov 3, 2006 1:05:29 PM

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