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    Friday, November 24, 2006

    Quote of the Day: Shapes of Things to Come

    Relaxing on a holiday weekend, it's satisfying to imagine what will happen when the new Democratic-led Congress convenes in January. One much anticipated development is reported in the New York Times:

    Seeking information about detention of terrorism suspects, abuse of detainees and government secrecy, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are reviving dozens of demands for classified documents that until now have been rebuffed or ignored by the Justice Department and other agencies.

    “I expect real answers, or we’ll have testimony under oath until we get them,” Senator Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, who will head the committee beginning in January, said in an interview this week. “We’re entitled to know these answers, and in many instances we don’t get them because people are hiding their mistakes. And that’s no excuse.”

    November 24, 2006 at 11:46 AM in Terrorism | Permalink


    This is exactly what needs to be happening, I just hope that the new Democratic majority will actually follow through, and not just pay lip service to investigating while it's business as usual. This last year I have sent hundreds of FAXES, Enail and snail mail letters and phone calls to just about every Congress person and Senator for and against legislation and appointments. Holding their feet to the fire is going to be priority number 1 for the coming year. It's way to easy too get into a "all talk and no action" mode between elections. The Democrats need to take the "High Road" on everything, respond to their constituents so that in 08 more seats can be gained and a Democratic President elected to continue healing all the damage that's been done to country and Constitution.

    Posted by: VP | Nov 25, 2006 8:14:40 AM

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