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Friday, November 03, 2006

Video Clips: Bill Clinton Speaking at Madrid Rally

Below the fold: video clips of Bill Clinton speaking at the Patricia Madrid GOTV rally in Albuquerque on the evening of Thursday, 11.2.06:

Bush-Repub campaign style

More terrorists, not less

All clips by Mary Ellen using her little digital still camera on vid mode.

November 3, 2006 at 03:24 AM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (3)

First Take: Clinton Rally Wows Dems at Packed Albuquerque Madrid Rally

Patricia Madrid greets the huge crowd

Bill Clinton after intro by Madrid

Ex-President Bill Clinton with most of the statewide Dem ticket

It's late but I wanted to get at least a few images up from this evening's powerful GOTV rally with Bill Clinton, Patricia Madrid, Bill Richardson, Diane Denish, Jeff Bingaman, Tom Udall, Marty Chavez, Jim Baca, Gary King, James Lewis, Mary Herrera, Hector Balderas and more at a Sunport hangar in Albuquerque. More to come. Four more days! All photos by Mary Ellen, who did a great job capturing the scene. (Click on photos for larger images.)

UPDATE: I was going to write more about this but decided that Johnny Mango over at DCF said everything I wanted to say and did so eloquently. Must read.

November 3, 2006 at 02:07 AM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (5)

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Watch Joaquin Vote Early

Go ahead, you know you want to. Joaquin shows you how easy it is to . You've still got a couple days to vote early at 13 locations in the Albuquerque area -- until 6:00 PM Saturday.

November 2, 2006 at 04:57 PM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)

REMEMBER: Bill Clinton Rally for Madrid Tonight

Madridsm Bill3_1Come one, come all!

9:00 PM

Click for info.

November 2, 2006 at 12:00 PM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Voters Want New Direction in Iraq

From today's Center for American Progress Report:
Because Of Iraq... When Americans go to the polls on November 7, they will not be voting because Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) botched a joke about President Bush on Monday, notwithstanding the national media's 48-hour fixation on Kerry's remarks. Nor will they be voting because President Bush, also on Monday, claimed that if critics of his Iraq policy are victorious, "the terrorists win and America loses." (That comment was mostly ignored.) According to the final pre-election New York Times/CBS poll, Americans will be voting because they desperately want a new direction in Iraq. The Times reports, "Americans cited Iraq as the most important issue affecting their vote, and majorities of Republicans and Democrats said they wanted a change in the government’s approach to the war."

Just 29 percent of Americans approve of the way President Bush is managing Iraq strategy, "matching the lowest mark of his presidency," and nearly 70 percent "said Mr. Bush did not have a plan to end the war." (Veterans advocacy group VoteVets.org has released a powerful ad underscoring this point, titled "Because of Iraq..." Watch it.)

November 2, 2006 at 11:54 AM in Candidates & Races, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (1)

Friday: Bush Visits ABQ for Heather Wilson

Bush supports Wilson at ABQ campaign event earlier this year.

As usual with Repub campaign events, info is sparse about Mrs. Bush's trip to Albuquerque to support Heather Wilson (NM-01), the Repub incumbent who's increasingly down in the polls against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid. All we know right now is that Bush will stop in at Journal Center 2, near Masthead and Jefferson, at 3:00 PM on Friday. You need to call the Wilson campaign at 884-2006 and sign a pledge in blood swearing your fealty to all things Bush-Wilson to have a chance at a ticket. Just kidding on the blood, but you reportedly do have to take an oath to volunteer for Wilson.

In contrast, everyone's invited to attend Bill Clinton's rally for Madrid tonight out by the Sunport. Come one, come all. Actually, I'm surprised we have any info at all on the Wife of Bush visit. NM Repubs have a long track record of secrecy about visits by Bushies, maybe because most of them seem to consist of exclusive events for the high dollar crowd who got all those juicy tax cuts from BushCo with Wilson's help. Or perhaps it's because Wilson has tried so hard to pretend she's not joined at the hip with George and his failed agenda. Can you blame her?

November 2, 2006 at 09:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (5)

James Lewis Fundraiser in ABQ Friday

James B. Lewis Fund Raiser!! Friday, November 3, 2006, 6:00 to 9:00 PM at the Doubletree Hotel of Albuquerque, 201 Marquette NW, including refreshments and entertainment. Recommended Contribution $50.00. RSVP to Dorothy at 459-5921. Please join hosts:

Michael Gallegos, American Property Management Corp.
Dan Serrano, great Western Hotels
Albuquerque City Councilors:
Martin Heinrich, President
Isaac Benton  --  Debbie O'Malley
Michael Cadigan -- Ken Sanchez

November 2, 2006 at 08:31 AM in Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (0)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Denish to Debate Rival on KUNM Thursday Morning

From the : Tune in to the KUNM call-in show to hear Lt. Gov. Diane Denish debate Republican State Sen. Sue Wilson Beffort tomorrow morning, Thursday, November 2nd, at 8 AM on 89.9 FM in Albuquerque.

November 1, 2006 at 05:05 PM in Candidates & Races, Media | Permalink | Comments (0)

Details on Bill Clinton Rally for Madrid This Thursday

Latest info on the Albuquerque Bill Clinton GOTV rally for Patricia Madrid and all Dems:

Thursday, November 2, 9:00 PM
Where: Seven Bar Aviation, 2505 Clark Carr Road, Gate F-5

Click for map. This event is open to the public.
No signs allowed. Click for flyer.

UPDATE: Satellite Parking and Shuttles Set for Clinton-Madrid Rally: Due to the limited parking near Thursday night’s rally with former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Patricia Madrid, FREE satellite parking and shuttle bus service will be available.

The public is asked to park at Airport Parking, 1501 Aircraft Ave. (near the intersection of Sunport and I-25 South). Parking opens at 8 PM; shuttles will begin running at 8:30 PM. Shuttles will run again after the rally ends. Additional information is available from Madrid for Congress, 242-6000.

November 1, 2006 at 01:02 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

New Madrid Ad: The Real Issue

With the election only days away and Repub opportunities for victory dwindling by the hour, the Rove Repubs are pullling out all the stops to create fake controversies and take the focus away from what's really at stake. They want to direct voters' attention to non-issues, trivial missteps and juvenile talking points because they don't want people entering the voting booth with a clear-eyed view of the genuine policy differences between the candidates.

They don't want people considering the horrendous impact of the misguided policies, inaction and downright failures of Bush and the Republican-run House and Senate. Instead, they want us thinking about passages in novels, operatives in duck outfits, verbal faux pas and issues framed by the right-wing media echo chamber. We can't let them get away with it anymore.

Go vote. Go help the Madrid campaign. Talk to your friends, neighbors and colleagues and ask them to do the same. The very future of our nation and even our planet is at stake.

November 1, 2006 at 11:04 AM in Candidates & Races, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (1)