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Saturday, November 04, 2006
No More Clowns: Vote Democratic!
You may recall an earlier post about a pony board created and paid for by Terry Riley and Friends that has been up since last month near Louisiana and Zuni in Albuquerque. These are photos from Terry of a full-size version that went up about a week before the election on Menaul just West of Eubank.
Both boards will carry the message through November 7th. This is grassroots energy in action, isn't it?
(Click on photos for larger versions.)
November 4, 2006 at 01:41 PM in Democratic Party, Election Reform & Voting, Visuals | Permalink
Very nice. What'd it cost to design and rent the space?
Posted by: John in Santa Fe | Nov 4, 2006 6:19:39 PM
The only witty aspect of this sign is the irony of a gaggle of very unfunny clowns disrespecting better men & women than themselves. Dems desire to replace 'clowns' w/ the likes of these?
- Ted Kennedy, chief backer, along w/ Kerry of the $14 Billion 'Big Dig' in Boston. Kennedy, the coward who swam away from his drowning mistress.
- Kerry the funny guy who 'mangles' jokes only last week. For the record: of the tens of millions who served in the military in the 20th Century, I defy anyone to bring forth a single person besides Kerry, who garnered 3 purple hearts in 90 days without missing a day's work. He's worse than a coward, & a very unfunny clown.
- Barney Frank, who's male lover ran a prostitution ring out of Barney's D.C. townhouse. Very funny, Barney.
- Jesse Jackson, who extorts big business with his phony race threats.
- Bill Clinton--now he is funny.
I could go on, but let me finish with a very unfunny assessment of Democrats: leaders of the 'hate America mob', whose ultimate political goals are death on demand (for the helpless, but not for our enemies); perversion on impulse, (but no tolerance of normality); and socialist tyranny by diktat.
Posted by: mark moulton | Nov 5, 2006 6:16:39 AM
Hey, moulton, Tuesday's election got you feeling a little desperate, or just depressed that the culture of corruption, criminality war profiteering, and TORTURE you support and seem so proud of is about to end??? Go back to sucking your thumb while you listen to Rush, nobody wants to read you "hypocritical" Reich wing bullsh**. BTW, talk about funny, "disrespecting better men & women than themselves", now that's funny? You must be talking about your lying, convicted drunk driver President, or "5 deferment" Cheney drunkenly shooting people in the face??? Or are you talking about all those Republicans under indictment or already convicted, or perhaps the Gang of Perverts (GOP) most recently Mr Foley???
Posted by: VP | Nov 5, 2006 8:29:47 AM
Ad hominem arguments, guilt by association and gross oversimplifications of each other's parties and positions have served us so poorly. Yes, Mark, people in our party have made mistakes. Yes, we have policy and philosophical differences with your party. But of course you realize that if we just take the last 6 years we Dems could quadruple the list of peccadilloes you just made with a list of Republicans who, if you don't mind my saying so, have not served your party well, much less served America well. These people are getting the benefit of the doubt by being called clowns. Some of them are, according to the courts, criminals. Others are hypocrites by any measure. Some are manifestly incompetent, while others coddle and reward their incompetence. But billboards are only so big, and can't accommodate the full litany. Hence, clowns. Think of it as shorthand.
As for the "hate America" canard, that's an old song that even Bush is getting tired of singing. It isn't true. And the people who foster and propagate it are not only poor losers, but also poor winners. There's a certain fundamentalist shrillness and panic about the accusation that is profoundly undemocratic and radically anti-constitutional. There is a "we're right, we're in the majority, so we should get our way" prejudice about it that denies the plurality of our society, is mean-spirited and un-neighborly and betrays the conservative principles that many on your side give lip service to: smaller, less intrusive government, balanced budgets, personal responsibility, etc. The problems with a position that demonizes those who don't hold it, e.g., "You're pro-choice, so you're for death on demand" are that, 1) it fails to admit the possibility that others have different, but supportable, moral presuppositions, 2) it oversimplifies every moral and ethical issue as if it were as simple as basic math, and 3) it presumes an absolute moral superiority for one's own group based on a shared ideology alone, and ignoring both the implications of that ideology and whether that ideology is actually lived or merely professed. Let me hold up a mirror. (Is this going on too long, Barb??)
You say: "you are pro-choice so you approve of death on demand." The mirror would be: "you're pro-life, so you favor incestuous rape, forced pregnancy and birth."
You say: "you criticize our President's policies in time of war, so you must hate America and want us to lose." The mirror would be: "you think that whatever a President and Congress of your party does is right because they are the ones doing it, so you must want the US to take over the world, even if it means bombing and torturing innocents."
You say: "you're in favor of homosexuality and you're not Christian and oppose the views of those who are, so you must be for perversion and against normality, just like in Sodom and Gonorrhea, er, Gomorrah." The mirror would be "you want the government to ban how some people want to love and live and keep them from their loved ones when they are sick, so you must want government to institute a policy of eugenics to make everyone just like you."
And the socialism by diktat (sprechen sie deutsch? pa russki?) thing could be mirrored by the social Darwinism of capitalistic fundamentalists.
Long story short: we're going to disagree. We won't judge your philosophy by your billboards and bumper stickers if you will return us the favor. We'll have enough disagreements without caricaturing each other. Let's try not to go all Bob Dornan on each other, eh?
Posted by: John in Santa Fe | Nov 5, 2006 9:13:28 AM
We woke up the other morning only to find our signs supporting the candidates we wish to be elected stolen. I picture the small minded theif , angry in his sole, trespassing on our property. Is this what you condone Mark above? There are plenty of repub signs in the neighborhood by far the most, but one of these angry republicans chose to get out and pull our signs down. Who are the intruders? Who propagates the hate? Who wants to kill?
Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 5, 2006 1:35:38 PM
You're not alone, Mary. My VW has been vandalized on more than one occasion due to some bumper stickers (which I designed myself). The one that apparently is the most offensive? "FORGET Bush! Support Our Troops!"
Makes one wonder what the priorities of Neoconservatives really are, huh? Oh yeah... the day the most serious vandalizing was done was Christmas day. Nice.
Posted by: | Nov 5, 2006 6:43:13 PM
Have you seen that Air America had a contest to name election night coverage. The winner is:
Send out the Clowns.
I guess I wasn't the only who sees the Bush administration as a bunch of clowns.
Terry Riley
Posted by: Terry Riley | Nov 5, 2006 7:15:48 PM
Send out the clowns? Heheh... like it. Nice work on the billboard, too.
I'm glad I got my voting done with. I was pleasantly surprised that my fiance, a registered Republican, was sick enough of what's happening to vote for Madrid. I'd say Wilson's opponents have an edge.
Posted by: | Nov 5, 2006 7:28:55 PM
I have a Madrid sign in my yard, but instead of stealing it someone just stuck a Wilson bumper sticker on it.lol.
But I have to say. Awhile back my dad had a window broken on his truck, but nothing was stolen. He has several pro-democrat, pro-union stickers which had "x"s drawn on them. Sad so sad.
Posted by: JD | Nov 5, 2006 8:31:11 PM
I actually take it as a point of pride that certain people hate my designs so much- it means they're listening. They not be liking what they're hearing or reading, but they are listening. Maybe thinking about it will come with time.
There was a time when my fiance and I were having breakfast at Mcdonald's, and some woman coming in had to stop to give my car the bird. I was bragging about that for awhile afterward... hey, my stickers got a rating of one finger up :)
Posted by: | Nov 5, 2006 9:38:16 PM
BEWARE, Repuke operatives are calling Democratic Voters at all hours of the day and night pretending to be from the Democratic party with the hope of making them soooo angry at the odd hour calls that they don't vote, DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!!!
Posted by: VP | Nov 6, 2006 9:11:48 AM
Richardson and Madrid went to court this morning to stop the calls. Actually, the Republicans are calling Dems and telling/lying to them that their poll location has moved. I guess they hope to confuse voters on election day.
The local press has said nothing about the sleazy Rep tactics.
Posted by: qofdisks | Nov 6, 2006 11:11:01 AM
qofdisks, they are doing both, and if you follow what's happening around the country, this is pretty mild compared. Seems to confirm the desperation that the GOP is experiencing. That's why we Dem's have to get out there and vote, the higher the turn out the better for us.
Posted by: VP | Nov 6, 2006 12:00:34 PM
Takes a republican to call someone who won a silver star a "coward". Hey brave man, the Army needs men. Let's see how brave you are.
Posted by: socorro sam | Nov 6, 2006 6:44:27 PM
The author of this blog has been hospitalized. We all hope and pray for a speedy recovery. She is in all of our thoughts and prayers.
Please leave your thoughts in this comment thread.
Posted by: Sad News | Nov 6, 2006 6:52:18 PM
The web site cannot be updated until Barb is feeling a lot better. I am sure that eveyone will understand. If you leave get-well messages I will compile them and deliver them to her as soon as she feels up to taking them.
Terry Riley
Posted by: Terry Riley | Nov 6, 2006 9:12:12 PM
Get well soon Barb, hope we can deliver a big Democratic win to cheer you up with!
Posted by: VP | Nov 7, 2006 3:39:44 PM
Hope you do get better soon, barb. I give you my best wishes.
Posted by: | Nov 8, 2006 8:48:05 AM
i need info. on my friends death.
do you have any articals.
her name is Diana Jane Ordonez
she died on July 26, 2002. In a car crash in Abe. New Mexico.
Posted by: albert ramirez | Dec 22, 2006 11:33:26 AM