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    Wednesday, November 01, 2006

    New Madrid Ad: The Real Issue

    With the election only days away and Repub opportunities for victory dwindling by the hour, the Rove Repubs are pullling out all the stops to create fake controversies and take the focus away from what's really at stake. They want to direct voters' attention to non-issues, trivial missteps and juvenile talking points because they don't want people entering the voting booth with a clear-eyed view of the genuine policy differences between the candidates.

    They don't want people considering the horrendous impact of the misguided policies, inaction and downright failures of Bush and the Republican-run House and Senate. Instead, they want us thinking about passages in novels, operatives in duck outfits, verbal faux pas and issues framed by the right-wing media echo chamber. We can't let them get away with it anymore.

    Go vote. Go help the Madrid campaign. Talk to your friends, neighbors and colleagues and ask them to do the same. The very future of our nation and even our planet is at stake.

    November 1, 2006 at 11:04 AM in Candidates & Races, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink


    One of my favorite Madrid ads. Tells it like it is on what's important. Rs want to make the election about side issues but I think finally the voters have gotten the true picture of what is going on.

    Posted by: El Norte | Nov 2, 2006 12:03:07 PM

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