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    Monday, November 27, 2006

    LWV to Hold Forum on Citizen Lobbying

    From the Albuquerque Journal:
    The League of Women Voters of New Mexico plans "A Public Educational Forum on Citizen Lobbying" from 9:30 AM to 1 PM on Saturday, December 2, at the Montezuma Lodge No. 1, 431 Paseo de Peralta in Santa Fe. The event is designed to help the public communicate with legislators and participate in democracy.

    The workshop is about the process of lobbying, the league said in a news release. Specific political issues will not be addressed during this meeting, but attendees can use the general information when they want to support or oppose issues in 2007.

    Speakers include a Bureau of Elections lobbyist registrar; legislative representatives; a paid lobbyist; a citizen lobbyist from the American Association of University Women; a citizen lobbyist and Webmaster from the league; and other citizen organization representatives.

    Handouts and discussion will blueprint ways for attendees to communicate with their legislators in their neighborhoods, on the telephone, on the Internet and at the Roundhouse. People are invited to bring questions about process, not about issues.

    The forum is free, but the audience is limited to 50. Coffee, water and cookies will be provided. For more information contact Marilyn Morgan at lillemor@nmia.com or at (505) 884-8441. A League of Women Voters' action committee meeting will follow at 1 PM.

    November 27, 2006 at 08:42 AM in Events | Permalink


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