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    Thursday, November 16, 2006

    In My Absence: Thanks!

    From Barb: I wanted to stop by and thank everyone for all the kind words and thoughts I've received during my ongoing illness. A special note of appreciation also goes out to those who are keeping the site going with posts and comments in my absence. As many of you know, I came down with viral meningitis and went to the emergency room on the Sunday before election day -- not exactly the type of ending to election season I had anticipated. Instead of working on GOTV all day and then waiting for results with my fellow Dems, liveblogging from Victory HQ and celebrating our many victories, I was feverishly incoherent, hooked to an IV and on strong pain meds as the returns rolled in. Not very festive!

    I was released from the hospital last Wednesday, November 8th, and am recovering at home. Mary Ellen, Bosco, Sunny and the parakeets have been wonderful. I've been ordered to stay in bed, get plenty of rest, and drink lots of fluids. You know the drill. I'm still on heavy duty pain meds, but I'm feeling better by the day and the worst is definitely over. Healing from this illness takes time so I'm still unable to resume blogging regularly, but I wanted check in with you in the meantime. Thanks again for hanging in with us. Let's hope Patricia Madrid can pull out a victory to make things even better. It can still be hard for me to believe that we now control both the U.S. House and Senate! --Barbara

    November 16, 2006 at 12:16 PM in Open Thread | Permalink


    Good to have you back!

    Posted by: | Nov 16, 2006 1:19:34 PM

    I'm so glad to know you're on your way to recovery. Thanks for checking in with us. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help you or Mary Ellen.

    Posted by: Nancy | Nov 16, 2006 3:24:26 PM

    You have to know how helpless we all felt when you disappeared. You are WONDERFULLY important to all of us.

    Bless you!

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Nov 16, 2006 3:34:35 PM

    I am relieved.
    Barb rules with an iron hand.
    She will whip this site into shape.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Nov 16, 2006 6:42:52 PM

    Meningitis??? Very glad you pulled through it alright... that's a pretty nasty little virus.

    Welcome back :)

    Posted by: | Nov 16, 2006 9:34:39 PM


    Wow, I didn't know, but very happy to hear you're kicking it out and feeling better.

    Thank you for all your work.

    Posted by: Linda*in*SFNM | Nov 17, 2006 9:21:54 AM

    No pissant little bug can keep our Barb from ehr appointed rounds of rousing us, her rabble. Heal up, BoBarb, and come back to us ready to rock. I'll remember your recovery on Thanksgiving.

    Posted by: John in Santa Fe | Nov 17, 2006 9:55:35 AM

    Barb's masterpiece...this website.

    Now we all realize what a vital voice and portal this site has become, Mary Ellen's and others efforts notwithstanding, Barb's touch is golden and missed.

    Take your time in recovery, it's getting done.

    Posted by: Tom in Paradise | Nov 17, 2006 9:58:51 AM

    A note from this canvass observer:

    It was one of those "proud citizenship moments" for me yesterday (right up there with serving on a jury) when I witnessed my first provisional ballot being opened and counted. Despite all the odds, on election day this voter got up and went out to vote. He or she may have been intentionally misdirected by a bogus phone message campaign. Nevertheless, this voter was allowed to vote provisionally. After possible challenges and intense scrutiny of this ballot's envelope and the voter's qualifications last week, this ballot was finally being opened and counted and I was the citizen witness.

    Now multiply this by thirty tables, three five hour shifts a day, five provisional ballots an hour. Kudos to the Democrats who made a stand saying "we're not taking it anymore" and insisted on having every vote be counted.

    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 10:14:57 AM

    Wonder Wold--glad you are somewhat back on the job.Thanks for all you and M.E. do.

    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 10:17:53 AM

    Happy Birthday to our own beloved Howard Dean--former Foodies for Dean folks say.

    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 10:22:41 AM

    I've gained strength and inspriation from this site so often... now the strength and energy are flowing back your way big time.


    Posted by: suz | Nov 17, 2006 10:29:59 AM

    Glad to hear you are healing. We miss you here at the site but don't rush back until you are truly well!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Nov 17, 2006 10:47:58 AM

    Glad to hear you're on the mend. Stay well; there's too much good political theater out there to miss even a single day!

    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 10:35:56 PM

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