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    Friday, November 17, 2006

    Hold Howard Accountable: Sign the Card

    I'm sure by now you've heard about James Carville's nasty comments about Howard Dean's performance as DNC Chair. Yes, it's terrible indeed when Dems win 30 or so House seats, regain the Senate and take back 6 governorships, many more state legislatures and a myriad of local offices across the nation. According to the arrogant and misguided Carville, who's married to one of worst examples of Repub rightwingnuttery in the form of Mary Matalin, Dean should be "held accountable" for us failing to win 50 House seats. He's traveling the chattering class circuit proclaiming that Dean should step down as DNC chair because his record at the DNC is "Rumsfeldian." Guess Carville is jealous that people are now paying more attention to Dean's 50-state strategy than they are to him and his outdated advice. Below is a post on the matter by Jim Dean, Howard's brother, who heads Democracy for America

    Posted by Jim Dean on DFA's Blog for America on Friday, 11/17/06: This is truly a great country.  Where else can you work on one successful election in 1992, lose for the next fourteen years, and still get press? You got to hand it to James Carville; he can still get ink.  But maybe we’re the only ones that can’t remember James Carville predicting that the Democrats should easily gain 50 seats in the House BEFORE the election.  So why should that stop him from insisting that we should have won 50 seats AFTER the election?

    I agree with a powerful and important guy like Jimbo. Howard should be held accountable. Hold him accountable for putting resources into Montana, where Jon Tester won a critical Senate seat. Hold him accountable for supporting Jerry McNerney in California, who ousted Richard Pombo. Hold him accountable for helping state parties nationwide to support competitive campaigns in places where Democrats haven’t won for years. Hold him accountable for helping return checks and balances to what was once a rubber stamp Congress.

    Today is Howard's birthday. Tell him that you know our success was a direct result of his strategy and the work of activists at the local level:


    Send your message of thanks and support to Democracy for America's founder and sign the birthday card today. Howard put the strategy in place.  But it was you who powered the effort in so many ways. We've got the power!


    Where it all began: Dean for America Meetup back in the days of the 2004 presidential primary season on Albuquerque's West Side with Dr. Ken Harper's Deanmobile van. Many grassroots and netroots activists motivated by Dean's fresh approach back then are continuing today, active in almost every aspect of progressive and Democratic politics. Thank you Howard!

    Remember: From Dean's electrifying early speech out in California in March 2003 that got so many of us off the couch and into political activism:

    What I want to know is what in the world so many Democrats are doing supporting the President's unilateral intervention in Iraq? ... As Paul Wellstone said, I'm Howard Dean, and I'm here to represent the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party.

    ... I want my country back! We want our country back! I am tired of being divided! I don't want to listen to the fundamentalist preachers anymore! I want America to look like America, where we are all included, hand in hand. We have dream. We can only reach the dream if we are all together - black and white, gay and straight, man and woman. America! The Democratic Party!

    Here's an audio version of the speech.

    The Meetups continue with our monthly Albuquerque DFA-Democracy for New Mexico Meetups. Join us.

    November 17, 2006 at 11:23 AM in Democratic Party, DFA | Permalink


    I sent Howard a message!....feels good! The freakin nerve of the freak carville to be saying this shit after a great win for dems across the country. Whoever would share a bed with that mary matalin freak, I would not trust as far as I could spit. I think he is working for the otehr side. That has got to be the only reason to come out and say something like this.

    one other thing....it is a song....
    it goes like this:
    My barbara is back
    and were gonna raise some ruckus....
    hey now
    hey now
    my girl friend's back!

    Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 17, 2006 11:52:49 AM

    Carville is mad because he and his limousine "consultant" friends aren't being handed the big bucks from Dean as they were with Terry McAuliffe. Go cry in your gumbo Carville!

    Posted by: JLC | Nov 17, 2006 12:43:25 PM

    Howard's my leader. The carville silliness can't wipe that beautiful smile off Dean's face.

    Posted by: Tom in Paradise | Nov 17, 2006 12:50:37 PM

    Barb, it was great to see you at Kos. You've been missed at BFA. Hope you're healing.


    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 1:38:35 PM

    Yahoo for Howard and Wonder Wold, back in the fold!

    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 2:22:10 PM

    ...and done!

    One wonders what would've happened if Howard got the presidential nomination. Kerry was great, but the fact that he visibly thought before he acted or answered... well, the neocons said it was a sign of weakness.

    But nobody in their right mind would accuse Dean of being weak.

    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 4:38:35 PM

    I believe that Dean is going in the direction that we are going. That is the leader who we should be following.

    We do need to continues to stay in front of us. So far he is doing very well, especially in this election.

    Happy Birthday to Howard Dean!

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Nov 17, 2006 5:23:00 PM

    Carville and the other so called "experts" that have been loosing elections for the Democratic Party better get used to seeing Dr Dean. This mid-term the Democratic Party won seats in states long given up on by Carville and the other "experts" and that's an accomplishment that Dr Dean has every right to be proud of. Perhaps it's time for Mr Carville to STFU so that we can keep winning elections!!!

    Posted by: VP | Nov 17, 2006 5:49:55 PM

    Tell us what you really think, M.E.!
    I totally agree with you!
    And I love the song, too!

    I love Howard! He's the real deal!

    Happy Birthday, Howard, and GOOD JOB!

    Posted by: nancy | Nov 17, 2006 6:02:09 PM

    Here's my favorite Dean campaign video!

    It rocks!


    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 6:08:34 PM

    Did anyone else notice the familiar faces in the dean van shot???
    The foodies, K harper, paul stokes. Many that are still active. who else is in there??

    Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 17, 2006 7:13:18 PM

    Hell, we're active, but having given our all for Howard--will never forgive Kerry's arrogant arrival in Iowa--we are more active on the home front than in the political arena these days...
    BTW I am fine-tuning my food and politics radio concept and will be trying to flog it soon.

    Posted by: | Nov 17, 2006 8:33:28 PM


    WE need Carville , it is OK to be mad at him but remember he is one of us . He was wrong in what he said but he wanted more.
    I want more I want Madrid to win ...
    but we may lose ..
    if we do lose I hope it is by 666 votes then we will know she is the devils spawn.

    For all my life I have heard GOD BLESS AMERICA !
    Bush has said it many many times
    Some one needs to tell him and all our far right Americans that GOD has truly blessed America.
    GOD Blessed us with Howard Dean ,, and Carville
    and the good people who keep this web site on line.

    I say its the WEST STUPID !!
    Because LOOK next door at Arizona...
    People are choosing to retire out here and it is changing the political map in states like WY Montana NM Arizona.. EVEN UTAH !!
    Howard Dean knows this and wants the WEST to be progressive.

    Thank you for this web site and all your hard word My wife almost died of menungitus 30 years ago. GOD blessed me and kept her alive.
    GOD has blessed all of us and kept you going so we will keep having your web site to learn from it.

    In the end
    on NOVEMBER 7, 2006
    Thank you President Bush for asking for this blessing and we should all remember this blessing this next week..


    Posted by: PTL | Nov 18, 2006 9:49:04 AM

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