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    Wednesday, November 08, 2006


    All the good news:

    Won the house! Won the senate!

    Webb pulls it out! The racist Allen loss! Tester pulls Montana out! Rick Santorim looses!              Too many to list ...list your favorite win or loss. Oh yes...Rumsfeld gonezo.

    And very good news from my home: the webmaster is back home....not fit for her manic work ethic yet but home with me and the birds!  Still recovering!!!

    Gosh everyone worked so hard, across the country, we all worked hard and finally have won.  Hate to say it but our work has just begun, but tonight REJOICE!


    Mary Ellen here again this evening...

    Goood night and Gooooood luck!

    November 8, 2006 at 07:49 PM | Permalink


    Hey--Glad you have filled in for the Wonder Wold, glad she is back home, but , sheesh, M.E., the word is "lose!"
    And boy, did they evah!

    Posted by: | Nov 8, 2006 8:27:07 PM

    I don't care how you spell it. We are LOVING the victory. I am also extremely glad that Barbara is home now.

    Good luck on a speedy recovery.

    Terry Riley

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Nov 8, 2006 10:31:56 PM

    My favorite WIN is Barb being back home!
    (And the Senate! And the House!)
    My favorite election LOSSES:
    and W's arrogant swagger.
    Still much work to be done... take your time recuperating, Barb... we need you healthy!

    Posted by: Nancy | Nov 8, 2006 10:45:45 PM

    Good morning it is great to have the posts.
    barb liked your list nancy, she did not know pombo lost and she has not been able to see all the many things she follows.
    in do time she will.
    how cool the first female house speaker...historic.
    and foodies....i am a horrible speller and grammer person. my wonderwold is my corrector for errors like loose vs. lose.
    but give me a puzzle and i am all over it.
    love to all you crazy rockin dem friends.

    Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 9, 2006 7:40:22 AM

    Patricia Madrid has been shucked like a used condom.
    It is a shame that NM's 2 main cities will likely not be a part of the new wave of things to come in the house of representatives.
    As for not being able to unseat Heather Wilson in the future, her true extremism needs be exposed.
    Don't let her get away with trying to present herself as some sort of moderate.
    Joe Monahan says that Wilson has been sidelined like it is something happened to her personally. This is not the case. All New Mexicans stand to suffer.
    I too am exuberant that power has shifted but the Dems will be hard put to retain power.
    I have a feeling that we liberals will soon be cussin' the cowardace and corruption of the Dems as well as Dem contortions to sacrifice liberal values and holding Rep corruption accountable in order to appear moderate.
    Enjoy the victory today but...
    Prepare for the frustration coming.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Nov 9, 2006 9:35:31 AM

    But we still got Heather. However, she has been emasculated by Nancy Pelosi (yeah, I know my choice of words may be subject to differing interpretations). I've lived here 34 years and never have had a Demo congressperson. I hope to have one before I die.

    Posted by: lk | Nov 9, 2006 9:37:11 AM

    Welcome home Barb. So glad to hear that you're back with Mary Ellen and the birds. Two of my favorite victories, after Barb's return, are the first Muslim in the House and the first Socialist in the Senate. Every proposal to raise the minimum wage passed. One effort to ban gay marriage went down to defeat, though others succeeded. I hope Harold Frod comes back and tries again after he matures a bit. I hope we see Paul Hackett again. I can't wait to see what Spitzer is going to do in New York. (I'm toying with Spitzer/Obama in '08.) We have some really good people in office (and out) now, who could really lead this country well if they have the will to do so. Let's make sure we back them up - and keep them from backing up.

    Posted by: John in Santa Fe | Nov 9, 2006 9:56:50 AM

    I bow in deference to your puzzling skills, M.E.!
    I also can't wait to see Hackett try again. along with Ford, feel sad/annoyed about Madrid after so much effort, and wonder when Heather, since we haven't as yet been able to Oust her, will be you-know-whatted on the hypocrisy issue?

    Posted by: | Nov 9, 2006 10:42:28 AM

    Welcome back Barb and many thanks to ME for keeping the blogging going. I have been in Oregon all week so missed out on the celebrations but myself and my traveling companions have been celebrating amongst ourselves. Interestingly my 2 companions are foreign born (Chinese and Egyptian) and know more about the political stuff here than most of the rest of the folks I work with. America has a ways to go to recover from the Bush castrophe but we made a HUGE step on Tuesday.

    Posted by: Dallas | Nov 9, 2006 10:55:00 AM

    Let's remember, before we all pat ourselves on the back, we are still fighting for Patricia Madrid's race. Don't give up! I believe she needs people on friday to count ballots at the ballot warehouse. The press and heather are trying to make you believe it's over.

    The GOP stole the Gore election with the same tactics they are using against madrid and Wilson manipulated the ballot counting process by getting her staff in the presiding judge positions. WIlson is going to attempt to pressure Madrid to concede and we shouldn't let that happen! ALL the ballots should be counted.

    Posted by: Leigh | Nov 9, 2006 9:31:42 PM

    Patsy will not concede until all are counted.
    All negative attacks on Patsy succeeded.
    Democrats failed to defend her and she did not have the money to defend herself.
    Her Democratic operatives should have allowed more debates, yes. These were supposed to be the "experts". Democratic timidity biting them in the ass again.
    Richardson did not come out strong enough for Patsy. Could it be that she is the ONLY Democrat to stand up to him and make him carefully follow the law?
    She has done Richardson a great service keeping his nose clean. We will see if King has half the balls.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Nov 10, 2006 8:23:53 AM

    As many in this thread have said already, the best news in this post is that Barb is back home.

    I just got up after celebrating at some friends' house down in Socorro. Good times.

    Posted by: | Nov 10, 2006 9:09:31 AM

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