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    Thursday, November 02, 2006

    Friday: Bush Visits ABQ for Heather Wilson

    As usual with Repub campaign events, info is sparse about Mrs. Bush's trip to Albuquerque to support Heather Wilson (NM-01), the Repub incumbent who's increasingly down in the polls against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid. All we know right now is that Bush will stop in at Journal Center 2, near Masthead and Jefferson, at 3:00 PM on Friday. You need to call the Wilson campaign at 884-2006 and sign a pledge in blood swearing your fealty to all things Bush-Wilson to have a chance at a ticket. Just kidding on the blood, but you reportedly do have to take an oath to volunteer for Wilson.

    In contrast, everyone's invited to attend Bill Clinton's rally for Madrid tonight out by the Sunport. Come one, come all. Actually, I'm surprised we have any info at all on the Wife of Bush visit. NM Repubs have a long track record of secrecy about visits by Bushies, maybe because most of them seem to consist of exclusive events for the high dollar crowd who got all those juicy tax cuts from BushCo with Wilson's help. Or perhaps it's because Wilson has tried so hard to pretend she's not joined at the hip with George and his failed agenda. Can you blame her?

    November 2, 2006 at 09:22 AM | Permalink


    There's gonna be a bad smell in Albuquerque on Friday!

    Posted by: snaggletooth | Nov 3, 2006 4:18:28 AM

    snaggletooth, will it be a sulfur like odor??? LOL

    Posted by: VP | Nov 3, 2006 3:27:38 PM

    Gee there was plenty of info on this visit. There was no great mystery in getting a ticket.

    Thanks for letting me know that I am in the high dollar crowd now since the Bush tax cuts really helped me. I had no idea that the high dollor crowd had as modest of income as I do.

    Posted by: Drew2821 | Nov 4, 2006 8:35:51 AM

    As anyone who pays attention knows, the Democrats want to increase tax cuts for the middle class and below and get rid of the ones that benefit by more than 90 percent, only our richest elite. Get your information right before posting right wing talking points. The right wing depends onuninformed voters to win. It's what they do.

    I think it's funny that Republicans think Laura Bush is non controversial. Just think about her sleeping with the smirking chimp every night. Nightmares!

    Posted by: | Nov 4, 2006 11:19:00 AM

    What would be wrong with with lowering taxes on everyone? Why is it accpetable to raise taxes on those who are wealthy? I can only believe that it is class envy, why else would people want to "stick it to the rich"?

    Three sentences before we started with the snide remarks above...I miss the days when we could have an intelligent political conversation.

    Posted by: Drew2821 | Nov 4, 2006 3:23:16 PM

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