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    Friday, November 03, 2006

    First Take: Clinton Rally Wows Dems at Packed Albuquerque Madrid Rally

    Patricia Madrid greets the huge crowd

    Bill Clinton after intro by Madrid

    Ex-President Bill Clinton with most of the statewide Dem ticket

    It's late but I wanted to get at least a few images up from this evening's powerful GOTV rally with Bill Clinton, Patricia Madrid, Bill Richardson, Diane Denish, Jeff Bingaman, Tom Udall, Marty Chavez, Jim Baca, Gary King, James Lewis, Mary Herrera, Hector Balderas and more at a Sunport hangar in Albuquerque. More to come. Four more days! All photos by Mary Ellen, who did a great job capturing the scene. (Click on photos for larger images.)

    UPDATE: I was going to write more about this but decided that Johnny Mango over at DCF said everything I wanted to say and did so eloquently. Must read.

    November 3, 2006 at 02:07 AM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink


    Mike Messina looks great considering that it is WAY past that old fart's bedtime.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Nov 3, 2006 8:23:15 AM

    I was there and it was really really exciting. Now we have to work like crazy to get a win for a Madrid and everyone on the ticket.

    All our candidates gave great speeches too. It was a long wait but we needed it bad.

    Posted by: Roadrunner | Nov 3, 2006 10:39:36 AM

    I wish I could have been there so thanks for the pics and clips. You know the right wing rags won't be reporting anything if they can help it on this but who needs them? I bet the energy was crackling last night.

    It all comes down to this - 8 more of our troops killed in Iraq yesterday and Bush and Rummy keep up the charade.

    Posted by: | Nov 3, 2006 11:30:49 AM

    Seeing Clinton was worth the cold, long bus lines, and late night hours. How refreshing it was to listen to Clinton who so brilliantly and effectively identified what we Democrats stand for... that is, a strong belief that there is no one answer to a set of issues and true solutions to national and international problems are found in a discovery process between all parties. We, as democrats, need to stress these basic tenets of our country Clinton brought up that are quickly being eroded by the Rove-Cheney-Rumie Bush puppet-masters … that we adhere and uphold open debate, reason, logic, sharing the wealth, tolerance, and forgiveness. He motivated with positive wit, humor and was erudite at the same time. Patricia Madrid will bring this into congress. We need to stress these positive characteristics in the next 4 days of the campaign rather that wallow in the negative quagmire that this campaign has morphed into.

    Posted by: Kathy Economy | Nov 3, 2006 12:08:29 PM

    I agree with Kathy. Seeing someone like Clinton speak with intelligence, hope, wit, passion and compassion was so refreshing at this time of such peril for the nation. I really enjoyed being in a big crowd of DEMOCRATS too!

    Compare this with Bush going around the country saying if people vote for Democrats they are voting for the terrorists. All he does is spread lies and fear. He is no longer connected to reality but is a true ideolog like Clinton said.

    We need to get Patsy in there to help stop the bleeding and we need to elect all the Democrats on the ballot too. We need a Blue Tide!

    Posted by: Vote Blue! | Nov 3, 2006 12:44:34 PM

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