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Saturday, November 04, 2006

Dems Have Early Voting Edge in NM-01

Local blog New Mexico Matters has a spreadsheet that shows early voting turnout through November 1st for New Mexico's first congressional district, the Albuquerque-centered district where Dem challenger Patricia Madrid is taking on Repub incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson. Totals of votes cast to date, which include both absentee (mail-in) ballots returned by voters and in-person early voting around the Congressional district:

Declined to State 4,940 7.4
Democratic 32,730 48.8
Independent 760 1.1
Republican 28,594 42.6
GRAND TOTAL: 67,060 100.0

Of course we want this trend to continue as turnout may well be THE major factor in who wins this race. Today is is the last day for early voting, which ends at 6:00 PM at 13 locations in the Albuquerque area. More info. The deadline for requesting an absentee ballot was yesterday. According to the NM Secretary of State absentee ballots must be returned to the county clerk or the voter's precinct before 7:00 PM on Election Day to be counted.

November 4, 2006 at 12:58 PM in Candidates & Races, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink


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