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    Monday, November 20, 2006

    CELEBRATE! Valle Vidal Protection Act Clears Senate!

    Vidal2Another plus emerging from the change in direction provided by the midterm election? Senator Domenici finally gives in on protecting the Valle Vidal from drilling now that his tenure as chair of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee is ending with Senator Jeff Bingaman scheduled to take over the post when the new Congress convenes in January. Also, didn't the Coalition for the Valle Vidal and many other activists do a terrific job on this? Persistence wins the day.

    From the  Coalition for the Valle Vidal: NM Senator Tom Udall’s Valle Vidal Protection Act of 2005 cleared the U.S. Senate Floor late last week by unanimous consent. Now it's on the the President's desk. Below are two articles on our amazing victory. Congratulations to all of you!

    Santa Fe New Mexican excerpts:

    The Valle Vidal Protection Act of 2005 -- authored by U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M. -- cleared the Senate floor late Thursday night. U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., announced his decision earlier in the day to support Udall's measure, after months of intense political pressure from all over New Mexico. Hunters, anglers, Republicans, Democrats and environmentalists lobbied Domenici relentlessly to protect the national forest property, famous for its high mountain valleys, rambling forests and elk herds, from development.

    "We're very confident the president will sign it," Domenici spokesman Chris Gallegos said. "It moved very quickly. Everybody is pleasantly surprised."

    "Countless New Mexicans have worked tirelessly to ensure the permanent passage of this bill is a testament to their efforts," Udall said Thursday night.

    Domenici's move appears to be related to a separate bill, the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act. That bill would open large parts of the continental shelf to oil and gas development.

    "I have been concerned about being perceived as pushing for or even forcing energy production in other states while saying 'not in my backyard' in New Mexico," Domenici said. "However, at this point, I believe we can, and should, try to enact the Valle Vidal Protection Act."

    ... The fact that Domenici made this move now is relevant because he won't be in the majority much longer. For now, he chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. But when Congress meets again next year, the chairmanship will go to U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., as a result of last week's election, which changed the majorities in the Senate and House.

    If The Valle Vidal Protection Act of 2005 becomes law, it would be one of Udall's most noteworthy accomplishments since arriving to Congress in 1998.

    "This was truly an effort that rose from the ground up," Udall said in a statement. "Community members living near the Valle, sportspeople from around the country, and (Boy) Scouts who come every year to earn natural resources stewardship badges in the Valle Vidal all worked together to express their desire that this unique piece of land and its unparalleled wildlife populations be protected in perpetuity."

    Click for additional coverage in the Albuquerque Journal. Also this month's issue of Orion magazine has a nice profile on the effort to save the Valle Vidal.

    November 20, 2006 at 10:37 AM in Environment | Permalink


    Gosh this is great news!!
    Some of the northern people worked real real hard for this. When Baca lost I though this beautiful land would go bye bye. But maybe the universe was watching the efforts on saving this land.
    Big thanks to the northern specifically Taos dem party Headquarters for pushing and pushing.
    You know who I am talking abiout!!!

    Posted by: mary ellen | Nov 20, 2006 1:03:03 PM

    Guess St Pete's finger to the wind is telling him that 08 isn't all that far off, and it might be a good idea to change direction on drilling, especially with the new Senate Majority.

    Posted by: VP | Nov 20, 2006 3:29:07 PM

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