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    Monday, November 27, 2006

    Behold the Satanic Symbol Wreath!

    Sign o' the times: A homeowners association in Pagosa Springs, CO has decided to fine one of their own in order to protect townspeople from the nasty effects of what some are calling a Satanic symbol, shown above. According to an AP story, "residents were offended by the sign and the board will not allow signs, flags etc. that can be considered divisive":

    A homeowners association in southwestern Colorado has threatened to fine a resident $25 a day until she removes a Christmas wreath with a peace sign that some say is an anti-Iraq war protest or a symbol of Satan. Some residents who have complained have children serving in Iraq, said Bob Kearns, president of the Loma Linda Homeowners Association in Pagosa Springs. He said some residents have also believed it was a symbol of Satan. Three or four residents complained, he said.

    "Somebody could put up signs that say drop bombs on Iraq. If you let one go up you have to let them all go up," he said in a telephone interview Sunday. Lisa Jensen said she wasn't thinking of the war when she hung the wreath. She said, "Peace is way bigger than not being at war. This is a spiritual thing."

    I do seem to recall a time when we were known as the land of the free and the home of the brave, but apparently that's now considered a pre-9/11 thing. Our freedoms and the courage to express them are now trumped by the controling interests of privatized homeowners associations and their rules. I wonder what would happen in Pagosa Springs if someone had the audacity to put up a sign honoring the Prince of Peace on his Christmas birthday celebration.... Mighty devisive and Satanic!

    What next? Xtian fundies demanding people take down their Xmas trees because they're pagan symbols?

    Here are the facts on the origins of the peace symbol and what it really means.

    Which reminds me. The Xmas light peace sign we've had hanging on the front of our house for a few years now (above) needs some sprucing up for the holiday season. Many lights have burned out over the past few months. Maybe we'll add some evergreen branches in solidarity with the banned wreath in Pagosa. By the way, over the years we've only had one instance of someone tearing down our sign in the dead of night. Not bad considering the atmosphere of hatred for peace the Bushies have been nourishing for 6 years now.

    November 27, 2006 at 09:20 AM in Civil Liberties, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink


    It gets worse:
    "The subdivision's rules say no signs, billboards or advertising are permitted without the consent of the architectural control committee.

    Kearns ordered the committee to require Jensen to remove the wreath, but members refused after concluding that it was merely a seasonal symbol that didn't say anything. Kearns fired all five committee members."

    Does this neighborhood assoc. really want to keep this guy? Who's next?

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Nov 27, 2006 12:04:35 PM

    Interesting how communistic these "private" organizations can be. They do some good, but neighborhood associations have a bad habit of getting out of hand. They need to have some big time legal and financial actions taken against them to tone them down. With all of the privitization schemes going on you just never know how much they will spread.

    Posted by: Marc | Nov 27, 2006 12:54:10 PM

    They'll lose if the condo assoc fights this. There was a case that made it to the U.S.Supreme Court during Desert Storm. A condo assoc. tried to bar an anti-war sign in a condo window. The Supremes said the condo ban on political signs violated the 1st Amendment. Political speech is the most protected form of speech; commercial speech is the least protected. Just FYI.

    Posted by: david | Nov 28, 2006 4:49:32 AM

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