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    Friday, October 06, 2006

    You're Invited: BBQ with Gov. Richardson & Dem Candidates This Sunday

    The Democratic Party of Santa Fe County, in conjunction with AFSCME Local 477, invites you to a BBQ with Governor Bill Richardson in support of the entire Democratic ticket. Candidates who have confirmed they will attend include Sen. Jeff Bingaman, Rep. Tom Udall, Gov. Bill Richardson, Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Attorney General candidate Gary King, State Treasurer candidate James Lewis, Secretary of State candidate Mary Herrera, State Auditor candidate Hector Balderas and many more.

    Sunday, October 8th
    Capella Vieja Ranch Ranch in La Cienga
    11 AM to 3 PM
    I-25 to Exit 271 and follow signs
    Live Entertainment, Games, Plenty of Food
    Click for flyer (pdf)

    For more information call Minnie Gallegos at 505-471-1744.

    October 6, 2006 at 10:42 AM in Events | Permalink


    The flyer says that the AFSCME BBQ is in support of the "entire" Democratic ticket. Does that mean that the AFSCME PAC is now endorsing Auditor candidate Balderas? They already announced their endorsement of GOP candidate Garcia. Maybe that is why AFSCME's money to the "coordinated campaign" was "late"... the AFSCME leadership was waiting to see if the original DEM nominee was going to be removed before they paid their "dues" to the coordinated campaign. Is that why Carter Bundy shoved Art Armijo at the SCC meeting (CNM Campus police report filed for battery charge & APD report filed)? Seems sort of fishy!

    Posted by: | Oct 6, 2006 2:27:42 PM

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