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    Monday, October 16, 2006

    Sneak Preview: Moyers on Saving the Internet

    Be sure to tune into the next installment of the top-notch new Moyers On America series that will be aired on PBS stations this week. On KNME Albuquerque/Santa Fe, you can see it on Wednesday, October 18 at 9:00 PM. (See below for additional dates and times.) This time Bill Moyers focuses on The Net at Risk and delves into the threats to our freedom of access to the internet that are being pushed strongly by big telecom and cable interests. Click to see a video preview of the show plus much, much more about the program and the issues it considers.

    Perhaps most dangerous is the heavily financed (and fact-challenged) effort by big telecoms and cable to get rid of so-called "net neutrality" and replace it with a tiered system where big players who can afford high fees can get better connectivity. Net neutrality has provided a level playing field for all users and content providers from the inception of the internet, not just deep pocket powerhouses. That could change if the massive telecom bill that's already passed the House gains approval in the Senate without amendments to restore our net neutrality protections. Already the FCC has ruled against net neutrality. This may be our last chance to preserve our freedoms on the net and avoid the concentrations of power and access that have become endemic on TV and in other media.

    This is the real deal, folks. If we don't win this, you won't recognize what the big media and communications conglomerates will do to the net. If we can judge their future behavior by their past, we can expect big players to have the advantage of lightning fast connections for visitors while bloggers, innovators, start-ups, musicians, artists and political commentators that aren't connected with the megacorps will be hard to access. To learn more, visit SaveTheInternet.com and FreePress.net

    Contact Your Senator AGAIN
    Fortunately, the damaging telecom bill has failed so far to be heard in the Senate. However, there will undoubtedly be another push to get the bill to the Senate floor after the election, so it's vital that we continue to urge our Senators to stop it unless it's amended to solidly protect net neutrality. New Mexico's Senator Jeff Bingaman has so far refused to publicly support net neutrality and pledge to vote nay on any telecom bill that doesn't preserve it. You can contact him here: Sen. Jeff Bingaman

    KNME - Channel 5 (Albuquerque/Santa Fe)
    Moyers on America
    The Net at Risk: The Internet's future, including the role of big business.

    Here's a listing of the scheduled rebroadcasts of the previous Moyers in America show:

    KNME - Channel 5 (Albuquerque/Santa Fe)
    Moyers on America: Is God Green?
    The evangelical community's embrace of environmentalism.

    Wednesday, October 11, 9:00 PM
    Thursday, October 12, 3:00 AM
    Friday, October 13, 9:00 PM
    Saturday, October 14, 3:00 AM

    October 16, 2006 at 11:22 AM in Media, Net Neutrality | Permalink


    This is so damned inportant!

    Posted by: I Vote | Oct 16, 2006 4:21:43 PM

    Why do I think they're gonna get away with this? The Moyers website is full of cool info but its scary too.

    Posted by: Red or Green | Oct 16, 2006 5:11:40 PM

    Just wanted to give you all the heads up that after tonight’s broadcast of Moyers on America: The Net at Risk, we will be hosting a live and interactive debate on www.pbs.org/moyers between Mike McCurry, chair of Hands off the Internet, a coalition of telecommunication-related businesses, and Ben Scott of SavetheInternet.com and policy director at Free Press.

    Hope you tune in, log on and weigh in!

    Diane D
    Public Affairs Television

    Posted by: Diane D | Oct 18, 2006 10:05:30 AM

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