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    Tuesday, October 24, 2006

    Tonight's the Night: Madrid Debates Wilson

    Dem challenger Patricia Madrid will face off with Repub incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) tonight in their only televised debate. Tune in to KOB-TV (Channel 4 in Albuquerque) from 7:00 to 8:00 PM. The event will also be streamed lived at KOBTV.com and broadcast live on 770 KKOB-AM radio. You can also listen to the radio broadcast online at 770KOB.com. There will be no commercial breaks, and the candidates will be questioned by Tom Joles and Carla Aragon of KOB-TV news.

    You're encouraged to submit questions to KOB-TV that you'd like the candidates to answer during the debate.

    You can also check with local blogger New Mexico FBIHOP, who'll be liveblogging the event as it happens and taking your comments and questions. By the way, NM FBIHOP has had some terrific posts recently on how Heather Wilson voted in lockstep with Bush even more in 2006 than she did in 2005, and how the Albuquerque Journal listed an IAFF firefighter endorsement of Wilson that actually went for Madrid.

    Another local blogger at Live From Silver City has some interesting comments about what to watch for in tonight's debate in terms of the postion Heather Wilson takes on the Iraq War. Will she join Bush and company in pretending to change her tune about strategy? I mean, the Repubs now have the nerve to claim their non-plan for Iraq was never really about "staying the course." Yeah, that's why that phrase is burned into our brains like a Bushie mantra. 

    October 24, 2006 at 10:54 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


    Good luck Patsy!

    Posted by: JLC | Oct 24, 2006 1:52:26 PM

    Stay loose, be assertive, stick to the facts! Heather can't stand the truth!

    Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 24, 2006 3:58:53 PM

    Wilson's telling so many lies it will be hard for her to keep them straight. Madrid should go for the jugular. Now or never.

    Posted by: | Oct 24, 2006 4:12:50 PM

    It's time for Heather to answer some of the harder and more embarrassing questions. I agree, with Kossian, go for the jugular!

    Posted by: VP | Oct 24, 2006 4:36:52 PM

    A picture is worth a thousand words.

    Posted by: | Oct 24, 2006 9:52:45 PM

    Heather Wilson does strange things with her eyebrows and her voice quivers at odd times. What's up with that? Madrid seemed nervous and stumbled at times but what she had to say about the war was the most important thing to me. We must stop the madness!

    Posted by: JJ | Oct 25, 2006 1:48:45 PM

    The Attorney General seemed a bit intimidated by Heather Wilson. Perhaps the Democrats have set constraints on the New Democrats coming into power. Remember Howard Dean's scream?
    Patricia would do well to remember that the menfolk that are her kin are great warriors, hunters and fighters.
    Her father, Charlie Yellowtail, was a boxer, bar bouncer, trained in Japanese martial art forms as well as skilled with weapons and knives.
    Her father was a stalker and hunter of supernatural ability.
    The boxing culture was especially prevalent in Las Cruces over the centuries. When two men confront each other, it is not always the bigger or the stronger that wins. The smaller man can STOP the other by the power of his passion, will...and knowledge.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 26, 2006 12:56:27 AM

    On the Korean Issue
    I recall the feeling of so much optimism at the end of the Clinton Era regarding Korea and Iran. The countries were opening up to the seductive American culture becoming less economically isolated. Iran more so than Korea.
    Then Bush came along and labeled the them "evil" in a most patronizing school-yard posturing way. It was Bushco shitty diplomacy leaning on idealogy rather than facts.
    Heather Wilson having been Airforce was a boon to Kirtland AFB as far as milking money out of the Federal Government.
    Even so, Kirtland AFB personnel should realize that they are beholden to the party that holds power in the House of Representatives. That would be the Democrats. Patricia Madrid is more valuable to Kirtland AFB in a Democratic Congress than Heather Wilson would be in the minority party.
    Patricia Madrid was adamant about supporting Missile Defense. That is because NM has a large economic stake in Missile Defence Funding.
    Make no mistake, Missile Defense does not work. It is not likely to ever really counter a genuine missile attack from Korea or otherwise.
    Having acknowledged that, Missile Defense is the life blood of decent paying jobs for engineers and scientists as well as, all the overhead that they require.
    Missile Defense reasearch is the birth place of much of our modern commercial technologies such as the internet and microwave ovens. We can thank Al Gore for de-classifing and releasing much of "Star Wars" technology into commercial enterprise. While it is a damn shame that human inovation and genius is held captive by the technologies of warfare, much of it can be turned to benefit humanity in the long run.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 26, 2006 1:28:53 AM

    On Heather Wilson's AF Academy predigree.
    I don't think Heather has much to brag about coming from the Airforce Base in Colorado Springs.
    The Airforce Academy has a well established long standing culture of sexual discrimination, sexual harassment, and rape.
    The Airforce Base that is Heather Wilson's alma mater practices unconstitutional discrimination by religion and violates the separation of church and state. Right wing fundamentalist Christianity has take over the Airforce Academy in Colorado Springs.
    It should be very disturbing to most New Mexicans that Heather Wilson is a card carrying member of the American Taliban.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 26, 2006 1:43:28 AM

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