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    Saturday, October 14, 2006

    Take It Easy and Vote by Mail

    The easiest way to vote in the November 7th election is to vote by mail, or what is otherwise known as voting via absentee ballot. You don't have to be absent or away to vote by mail. All you have to do is request a mail-in ballot by filling out a form and sending the request in to your county clerk, who will then send you a ballot to complete at home and mail back.

    You can get the application for a mail-in ballot by contacting your county clerk or either the Madrid or Richardson campaigns. Some other local campaigns or Dem Party offices can also provide you with the application form. Easy ways to get your application:

    Madrid for Congress Campaign:
    Or call the Main Office at 505-242-6000 or the South Valley Office at 505-452-2006.

    Richardson for Governor Campaign:

    Or call 505-828-BILL

    Find contact info on your county clerk:

    October 14, 2006 at 03:08 PM in Candidates & Races, Election Reform & Voting | Permalink


    I applied, I got my ballot and sent it in today. I highly recommend doing it this way. It is easy as pie and having the ballot at home gives you time to examine it at your leisure.

    Posted by: RJM | Oct 16, 2006 2:05:02 PM

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