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    Sunday, October 15, 2006

    Sunday Bird (Dog) Blogging: Balloon Fiesta Edition

    No birds today, but we do have Terry Riley's dog, Ed (above).  As Terry writes, "Everybody talks about how beautiful the balloon fiesta is, and their pictures are filled with the color and the calm beauty of it all. There is another side -- the dogs and horses that are upset by the balloons and the noises that come with them.

    "My dogs Ed and Lucy work hard to keep our property safe from invading balloons. Saturday morning I happened to almost catch a picture of Ed rushing to the other end of the yard to protect it.  A balloon had started descending until Ed convinced them otherwise." (You can see a tiny bit of the balloon retreating at the upper left-hand corner of the photo.)

    Not many balloons from the Fiesta ventured into the NE Heights where we live, but we did get one floating right over the house with that distinctive whoosh - whoosh sound. I ran out to see it and then checked to see if our lovebird, sun conure or parakeets were alarmed. Absolutely no response, which I found surprising. I guess in the avian world whoosh - whoosh sounds are no big whoop.

    PS: I'm still experiencing problems with images and sidebar material loading properly. I've heard from several readers who are having the same problem, yet TypePad insists when they load the page all is well. Are any of you reading this now having any problems loading the page properly or entirely? If so, please write and let me know in the comments. I have to say that TypePad has been very slow in responding and has offered very little useful info about fixing the problems, perhaps because they keep insisting there are none. Such is cyber-life in the 21st century. 

    October 15, 2006 at 11:40 AM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


    could it be something else like comcast?

    Posted by: | Oct 15, 2006 2:42:03 PM

    Still missing the right column unless I'm in a comment or continuation.

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Oct 15, 2006 9:49:32 PM

    I don't believe Comcast has anything to do with it. The problems are there with people using other ISPs.

    Michelle: What browser are you using?

    The latest less than helpful advice from TypePad is to keep removing content until I find the culprit. And they keep claiming that nothing is wrong when they enter the site. I guess all the people I've heard form are just misguided.

    Posted by: barb | Oct 16, 2006 8:56:24 AM

    Also, this problem started when closing codes were suddenly missing on code that was unchanged for months. They won't even answer my questions about how that happened.

    Posted by: barb | Oct 16, 2006 8:57:28 AM

    One thing I've discovered is that TypePad doesn't support Internet Explorer 7 so if you're using that it may be creating problems.

    Posted by: barb | Oct 16, 2006 10:38:15 AM

    OK I think I finally got it working much better. If you're still having problems loading the DFNM blog, please email me. Thanks!

    Posted by: barb | Oct 16, 2006 11:25:12 AM

    I don't have a problem with your site loading, but I do periodically find that my site doesn't load in the same manner: the masthead and sidebars will load, but nothing else. I haven't noticed it on any other TypePad sites, including this one. I get the same problem with both Safari and FireFox.

    Posted by: KathyF | Oct 17, 2006 12:56:17 AM

    It's great that there are dogs like Ed protecting the Heights from dangerous terror balloons. (Although it would of course be better to fight them over there. I hear they're funded by Iraq.)

    Where is the Vote for Ed! button on your sidebar?! I want to contribute to his campaign!

    Posted by: BaileyF | Oct 17, 2006 1:00:03 AM

    I wanted to send a big PEEP out to Bailey F. I agree we should be supporting Ed in the upcoming election. We can't leave everything to the humans - look what they've done so far!

    KathyF: I haven't noticed a problem loading your site but I'll keep an avian eye on it....

    Posted by: Bosco the Lovebird | Oct 17, 2006 2:30:59 PM

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