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    Sunday, October 01, 2006

    Sunday Bird Blogging: Sunny Cabin Edition

    Sunny the sun conure loved traveling with us on our recent vacation at a Colorado cabin. It was his first long trip with us and his curiosity definitely outweighed any nervousness he might have had. It was about a five hour drive to our destination and he never uttered a squawk the whole time. He raptly watched the passing scene out the car window, took naps, played with his toys, munched and preened himself -- the usual. Here he is (above) with his traveling cage perched on a picnic table out back of our cabin. He dug the semi-rugged life.

    Who knew sun conures could be so enamored of cabin life?

    Home sweet Colorado home (for a week), with smoke rising from the cabin's wood stove. It was nippy up there at times, especially in the mornings, and we often breakfasted on steaming oatmeal mixed with pieces of those luscious Colorado peaches. Sunny loved to perch on a shoulder and taste a bit of each as we ate. Spoiled bird? Na, just part of the family. (Click on photos for larger versions.)

    October 1, 2006 at 12:32 PM in Bird Blogging | Permalink


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