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    Saturday, October 07, 2006

    Saturday Music Hall: Have You Had Enough?

    This ditty, performed by Rickie Lee Jones and  former members of the Squirrel Nut Zippers, is about throwing Repub Speaker of the House Denny Hastert out of office and voting for his Dem opponent. Of course, here in New Mexico's first congressional district, we can't directly vote out Foley-enabler Hastert. However, we CAN vote out Repub incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson -- another Bush rubber stamp who's still refusing to call for Hastert's resignation despite his improper and dishonest handling of the Republican scandal.

    Recall that Wilson served on the Page Board from 2001 through 2004 when warnings were reportedly flying about Rep. Foley's tendencies to come on to the underage pages. Of course, like almost every other Repub in Congress, Wilson claims she saw and heard nothing about it. Either she wasn't paying attention to her responsibilities on the Board, or she was (and is) in denial. Either way, we need a real change. We've had enough!

    Wanna get rid of Hastert, Boehner and the rest of the sleazy Repubs who've been running things into the ground in leadership positions in the U.S. House? Volunteer, donate and vote for Patricia Madrid for Congress in NM-01. Remember, if Dems win back the House, we'll have subpoena power, we'll have Dems running the House committees and we'll have an opportunity to try and find out what's really been going on with the Iraq occupation and much, much more.

    Note: The performers have made versions of this song available to other Dem candidates. The blog Down With Tyranny explains why.

    October 7, 2006 at 01:03 PM in Candidates & Races, Saturday Music Hall | Permalink


    Hastert is running agsint John Laesch in Illnois and Laesch has been raising some big bucks lately.


    His chances are better now than last week.

    Posted by: | Oct 7, 2006 2:26:06 PM

    You know, I have served on some boards in my day, and the story "I Knew NOTHING!" does not hold water.

    Let's recap. Heather in tears over the baring of Janet J's breast on TV. All over the sobbin' media.

    So she is on a committee for several years during which there is abundant testimony that people DID know.

    She is meanwhile crying over the boob thing, but REAL young people over which she has some sort of supervision are not protected under her watch?

    The committee that was supposed to watch over the youth, maybe they just did not meet? EXCUSE ME? But they were supposed to supervise the program? To assure parents that the kids were safe? Doing their homework, etc.? And a drunken Congressman was showing up at the dorm? She never heard about any of this? Though it was known that she cried over a boob?

    The rumors (?) just did not meet Heather's ears? After all that moaning and tears over a boob? Ergo, a natural place for people with concerns to turn to?

    Sorry, I am not buying that.

    Heather, you are toast. Skol!!

    Posted by: A Dem | Oct 8, 2006 10:57:06 AM

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