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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Richardson Campaign Seeks Website Intern

From the Bill Richardson for Governor Campaign:
The campaign needs someone who wants to volunteer on the campaign and help with the website. See below for more information, including a job descripion and how to apply. Time is of the essence so if you're interested in this opportunity, submit the required info ASAP:

As a Website intern you will ensure the Bill Richardson 2006 Campaign website has up-to-the-minute information on issues by:

-Updating our "News" page with the latest news articles or press releases.

-Write campaign updates on the Plaza Blog.

-Formulating and implement creative website and online organizing ideas, and Facebook and My Space outreach strategies.

Job Description: The Intern will gain hands-on experience in the management of the technical side of a major statewide campaign operation, including web design, technical support, and online organizing.

Work atmosphere: Young, Fun and Gung-Ho!

Volunteer/Intern Requirements: The qualified applicant should possess the following qualities:

1 . Enjoy working in a team environment and know how to have fun on and off work;

2 . Be responsible, including being on time;

3 . HTML & XML proficiency, Java, Flash and web design skills desired.

Minimum Internship Commitment: At least 4 weeks (any bloc of time between now through November). Although Website and Online Networking internships are unpaid, students may receive academic credit from their college or university. This is also one of the best opportunities for getting into a democratic political campaign.

Location: Website Internships are located in our Albuquerque HQ.

How to Apply: Interested students should email a cover letter, resume, and short (1-2 page) writing sample to:

Joaquin H. Guerra
Director of Internet Operations
Bill Richardson for Governor 2006

Campaign Website https://billrichardson2006.com/
Campaign Blog https://blog.billrichardson2006.com/

October 11, 2006 at 01:32 PM in Candidates & Races, Web/Tech | Permalink


Thanks Barb!

Posted by: Joaquin Guerra | Oct 11, 2006 2:10:15 PM



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