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    Thursday, October 19, 2006

    BREAKING: RAW STORY Finds Police Report on Heather Wilson's Husband

    UPDATE: A post on this by FBIHOP is now on the front page of Daily Kos, along with a link to my original story on DFNM. (The permanent link to FBIHOP's post is here.)

    The website RAW STORY today posted a story (now on it's front page) about Republican Rep. Heather Wilson (NM-01) entitled, "Congresswoman on Page Board Buried File on Husband's Child Abuse Alegation." The post includes scans of the Albuquerque Police report on Rep. Heather Wilson's husband, Jay Hone, that allegedly is contained in a file Wilson eventually admitted she removed from the general file system of the NM Department of Children, Youth and Families within days of assuming her new job as the agency's Secretary. Excerpt:

    ... RAW STORY has uncovered and confirmed the authenticity of the police incident report believed to be contained in the missing dossier. Filed as a case of child abuse in 1993, it contends that Wilson's husband Jay Hone, an Albuquerque attorney, touched a then-16 year old boy "in a manner that was not welcome."

    I had previously posted about this incident, and included a link to a YouTube video I had found there that shows a report by KOAT-TV's investigative reporter, Larry Barker, on the missing file. I learned today, however, that the video had been removed by YouTube, allegedly due to copyright problems. Anyone else find it an odd coincidence that the YouTube video disappeared at the same time Raw Story released copies of the police report that prompted CYFD to open the file? It's my understanding the video had been on the site for months.

    The video of the news report showed Barker speaking with Heather Wilson about the file. On camera, she denied taking it, despite Barker showing her a card that indicated she had done so. The news team reported that when they contacted Wilson to inform her they would be running the story, she suddenly admitted she had, indeed, removed the file and taken it to another location. So Heather Wilson lied on camera about taking a file containing what was alleged to be embarrassing information based on a police report about her husband.

    As I also reported previously, Heather Wilson was a member of the congressional Page Board during the years 2001-2004. She has denied knowing anything at that time about Rep. Mark Foley's inappropriate behavior. She's also a member of the Congressional Missing and Exploited Children's Caucus, which also counted Mark Foley as a member.

    She was also the top recipient of campaign contributions from Foley:

    The top individual recipient of Foley’s money is Rep. Heather Wilson, who is in a tight race this year in New Mexico. She has received $8,000 from Foley. The #2 recipient is Rep. Bob Ney (R-Ohio), who is leaving Congress after admitting to taking bribes from lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his associates. Ney received $6,000 from Foley.

    October 19, 2006 at 02:32 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


    I find that very odd.

    It was only a matter of time before this story broke in the national press, imo. I've been hearing about it for years.

    Posted by: KathyF | Oct 19, 2006 3:11:07 PM

    I think it's terrible that the video of the news report has now been taken down at You Tube exactly when the story broke on raw story. We all know Wilson ordered it removed. Why is the Albuquerque media not covering this?

    Posted by: snakeyes | Oct 19, 2006 4:24:11 PM

    Word is (from Duke City Fix) that the Journal will have a story on this tomorrow...

    Posted by: | Oct 19, 2006 4:33:52 PM

    I want to know why KOAT-TV had the video taken down. Why are they trying to cover up?

    Posted by: Red or Green | Oct 19, 2006 5:04:10 PM

    Hypocrisy at its greatest again.
    I hope the truth comes out of the closet on this one. The tape is out there, and it has been out there for months and months. Finally because of the Foleygate, maybe she will have to answer to this. What else has she and is she covering up.
    She obviously has a pattern of covering for men who like boys.

    Posted by: stop the cover up | Oct 19, 2006 5:40:31 PM

    Hi Barb. I have the video file you are looking for - it is of the KOAT story about Wilson removing the file Saved it some time back. It is a windows media file, though it is not saved with the right extension, it plays with that application. I will email it to you. Want to post it?

    Tom S.

    Posted by: Tom Solomon | Oct 19, 2006 6:26:27 PM

    Wouldn't KOAT get on her if she put it up here?

    Posted by: Charlie | Oct 19, 2006 11:59:01 PM

    The more you know about Republicans the more you see what hypocrites they are. They stand out their bragging about how holy holy they are when in the back rooms they are sickos.

    Posted by: Roadrunner | Oct 20, 2006 9:29:21 AM

    I blasted this story to about 100 folks yesterday, including Joe Monahan. His response this morning: "...and there was a flurry of bottom-of-the barrel stuff flying across the Internet regarding GOP Congresswoman Heather Wilson. " https://joemonahansnewmexico.blogspot.com/
    So the truth is now the bottom of the barrel?
    Hey Joe- How about the Slime boat ads Heather's buddies are running? In fact i think I'll ask him at: jmonahan@ix.netcom.com

    Posted by: PlacitasRoy | Oct 20, 2006 2:54:08 PM

    Monahan is a hack. He only likes a story if he breaks it. I notice he didn't mind breaking all that sleaze about Jeff Armijo because he was being fed directly from those who framed Armijo. But now he thinks a factual news report and a police report about Heather Wilson and her husband is "scraping the bottom of the barrel." Give me a break.

    Posted by: C.W. | Oct 21, 2006 2:01:03 PM

    Who ever has the video needs to get in touch with any of major news networks except Fox News. They are a bunch of liars and support the communist platform of the Republican Party. How Dumm are the people in New Mexico to let this bullshit to go on?

    Posted by: jody hart | Oct 27, 2006 1:29:47 PM

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