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    Wednesday, October 04, 2006

    Progressive Voter Alliance of Las Cruces Hosts Successful Campaign Fair

    This is a guest post by Ed Fulmer a renewable energy advocate who blogs at Alternative Comment:

    MAKING A DIFFERENCE 2006, A CAMPAIGN FAIR: The Progressive Voter Alliance was organized in Las Cruces to continue the volunteer momentum of the 2004 election. PVA is the focal point for candidates, activists and voters who support a variety of progressive issues.

    Organizations such as MoveOn and Protect the Vote were arrayed along with local candidates around the room at tables accessible to interested individuals. Candidate presentations included Jeff Steinborn, Nate Cote, Antonio Lujan’s spokes person, Cathilia Flores and Karen Perez.

    Jeff Steinborn is running for the open seat in State House District 37. He gave a status report on the curb side recycling effort, vowing not to let the issue die. Jeff expects to be targeted by the oil and gas industry because his work with New Mexico Wilderness Alliance. He pledged his support for increased access to health care, a living wage and conservation.

    Nate Cote is running for State House District 53. This district has been represented for 12 years by an Almagordo Republican, but 3/4 of the population and 8 of 10 precincts are in Dona Ana County.  Cote supports developing solar and geothermal energy in the East Mesa. District 35 Representative Antonio Lujan's spokes person, Cathilia Flores pointed out Lujan’s support for a living wage, union rights and environmental issues. She was enthusiastic about renewable energy legislation for the coming session. 

    The Dona Ana County County Commission races will determine which party has marjority vote. If candidates Karen Perez, District 3 and Oscar Butler, District 1 win, they will join Democrat Bill McCamley, District 5 to move the county forward on key issues. Karen Perez, a civil engineer, supports comprehensive planning, work force development, water management and infrastucture improvements.

    Implementing Renewable Energy policy is dependent upon electing supportive local and state officials. There are 35 days left until the elections. VOTE SOLAR.

    This is a guest blog by Ed Fulmer. If you'd like to submit a piece for possible publication as a guest blog, please contact me by clicking on the Email Me link at the upper left-hand corner of DFNM's main page.

    October 4, 2006 at 09:00 AM in Candidates & Races, Guest Blogger, Local Politics | Permalink


    Please sign and share. We have until 10/31/07 to gather 1,500 signatures. The petition will go to Entravision General Manager, David Candeleria, and the Santa Monica home office.


    Amy Dalzell
    Volunteer Coordinator
    Democracy for El Paso

    Posted by: Amy Dalzell | Sep 6, 2007 1:13:01 PM

    use the url and press "connections" and "Norway" for a picture and aa view of what I am doing, wishing to re connect with you Antonio Lujan, a former student.
    Best regards,
    Susan Albright

    Posted by: | Jul 6, 2008 3:43:08 PM

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