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Monday, October 23, 2006

Please Listen, and VOTE

I learned that friend and political colleague Meredith Hughes is a finalist in a talk radio contest. I'm sure many of you remember Meredith and her husband Tom from their involvement in the Howard Dean campaign (Foodies for Dean!). Meredith is a finalist in the AM 1350 Progressive Talk radio contest to pick the next progressive talk radio star. Go vote:

Hey, friends---I have entered a local contest via 1350 AM in ABQ to be the next Progressive Talk Show Host nationally (maybe)........go to this site. Please listen to the auditions of all the finalists and then vote for the one you like the best. By the way, I am contestant number 3 (no frills with a food slant).

October 23, 2006 at 11:00 AM in Media | Permalink


The poll numbers on this race continue to look good.

With a good GOTV plan, I think we'll win on election day.

Posted by: KathyF | Oct 24, 2006 10:27:52 AM

But are we sure the votes are being counted accurately with no voter verifiable paper ballot or receipt?

Posted by: Naysayer | Oct 24, 2006 1:53:56 PM

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