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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

NRCC Sinking Big Bucks Into Rove-Connected Negative Phone Banking Nationwide, Including NM-01

According to a post yesterday on TPM Cafe:

The Natiional Republican Congressional Committee today sank $320,851.50 into House races in over a dozen states. Much of the cash went to negative phone-banking and mailers -- see a detailed breakdown of the spending here.

There are two references in the FEC report to a company called Feather Larson & Synhorst DCI of Phoenix, AZ, which was paid some $6,000 on October 9, 2006 by the NRCC to conduct phone banks opposing Democrat challenger Patricia Madrid's campaign against Republican incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson.

As reported by the Center for Media & Democracy's Sourcewatch (must read), FLS DCI is closely associated with Karl Rove. It's known for its phone banking on behalf of phony front groups created to try and convince voters there's more support for the positions of its clients than there really is. For instance, they've been involved in creating bogus groups that put up ads that advocate abandoning net neutrality under names like "Hands Off the Internet." They've created synthetic "grassroots" groups on behalf of telecommunications, pharmaceutical and computer industries, among others.

The three primary partners in FLS DCI are all long-time Republican strategists and consultants who are close to Rove and other right-wing insiders known for dirty campaigning. One of them, Thomas J. Synhorst, is known as the Johnny Appleseed of "astro-turf," a term used for grassroots groups or coalitions that are actually fake and often created by corporations or or PR firms. According to Sourcewatch,

The Associated Press reported in June 2001 that Synhorst "has been linked to South Carolina 'push polls' in the 2000 Republican primary that attacked candidate John McCain as 'a cheat, a liar and a fraud,' according to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee."

I can only imagine what kind of negative distortions and nasty push-polling the telemarketing company will create to try and undermine Madrid's growing momentum in a climate of tanking poll numbers for Bush and Republican candidates around the nation. Republican leaders are growing increasingly panicked in the face of the Foley scandal, the rapidly deteriorating situation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the recent failure of the Bush administration to negotiate effectively with North Korea. Who knows how low they will go in attacking Dem candidates and spreading their sleaze in an effort to pump up their numbers. Deception is their most important product.

Madrid-related expenditures in the referenced FEC report:

PHOENIX, Arizona 85027
Purpose of Expenditure: Phone Banks
This Committee OPPOSES The Following Candidate: MADRID FOR CONGRESS

Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is New Mexico in District 01
Date Expended = 10/09/2006
Person Completing Form: CHRISTOPHER J. WARD
Date Signed = 10/09/2006
Amount Expended = $4061.04

PHOENIX, Arizona 85027
Purpose of Expenditure: Phone Banks
This Committee OPPOSES The Following Candidate: MADRID FOR CONGRESS

Office Sought: House of Representatives
State is New Mexico in District 01
Date Expended = 10/09/2006
Person Completing Form: CHRISTOPHER J. WARD
Date Signed = 10/09/2006
Amount Expended = $2616.12

October 10, 2006 at 11:45 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink | Comments (4)

Congregation Albert Hosts Brotherhood Brunch & Discussion on Ethics Reform 10/15

From the Congregation Albert Bulletin:

Congregation Albert Brotherhood Brunch
Sunday, October 15, 10 AM, Social Hall
3800 Louisiana NE, Albuquerque 87110
Panel Discussion: Public Corruption and Ethics Reform
Drew McCandless, Special Agent, FBI; Matt Brix, Director, Common Cause New Mexico; Brad Winter, President, Albuquerque City Council.

We are beset almost daily with reports of public corruption that seem to result from New Mexico’s long standing tradition of patronage politics. The Albuquerque Journal reports that New Mexico is one of only five states with no limit on campaign contributions. Giving gifts to New Mexico’s public officials is not banned or limited, which creates the potential for conflicts of interest. Clearly there is a need for public ethics reform at all levels of statewide government and within our public institutions.

Join us on October 15 to discuss this topic with Drew McCandless, Special Agent, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Matt Brix, Director of Common Cause New Mexico and Brad Winter, President of the Albuquerque City Council.

The cost is $8 for Brotherhood and Sisterhood members and $11 for others, including the general public. Please reserve by October 12 by calling 883-1818, ext. 3203, and leaving your name, phone number, and the number of reservations.

(Editor's Note: Thanks to Michelle Meaders for sending this along, as she does with info on so many other excellent events.)

October 10, 2006 at 10:41 AM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)

Bernalillo County Commissioners to Consider Minimum Wage Hike Today

From the Santa Fe New Mexican:

Bernalillo County Commissioners will consider raising the minimum wage in the county to $6.75. Under the proposal to be introduced today, the minimum wage would increase to $7.15 in 2008 and to $7.50 on Jan. 1, 2009 -- mirroring an ordinance adopted in April in Albuquerque. Santa Fe's minimum wage is $9.50.

Tips and commissions would be counted toward satisfying the minimum-wage requirement. Employers who pay at least $2,500 a year for health or child care benefits for employees would get a $1-per-hour reduction in the minimum-wage requirement. The state and federal governments set the minimum wage at $5.15. Gov. Bill Richardson has said he's considering pushing to increase the state's minimum wage to at least $7.50 an hour.

If you support the raise in the minimum wage in Bernalillo County, you're urged to contact your Commission TODAY. To find out which County Commission district you reside in, click here. You can then click through from there to get the contact info for your County Commissioner.

October 10, 2006 at 10:19 AM in Local Politics | Permalink | Comments (3)

Santa Fe Benefit for Gary King Campaign 10/13

Please Join Hosts
John Howard  *  Javier Gonzales
Nancy Long  *  John Pound
Bernie Logue y Perea  *  Eduardo Martinez
Maryellen Duprel
In Welcoming & Supporting
Gary King, Candidate for Attorney General
Friday, October 13th, 2006
5:30 – 7:00 PM
At The Gerald Peters Gallery
1011 Paseo De Peralta
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Sponsor $500.00  Patron  $250.00  Ticket  $100.00.
RSVP:  Chris Khoury – (505) 237-0103

October 10, 2006 at 09:16 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (0)

Gov. Richardson & Lt. Gov. Denish Host Benefit for Hector Balderas and Mary Herrera Campaigns 10/13

October 13th
Governor Bill Richardson and Lt. Governor Diane Denish
Invite you To A Reception In Support of Hector Balderas Candidate for State Auditor
Mary Herrera Candidate for Secretary of State
Friday October 13, 2006 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
At 10445 4th Street NW Albuquerque (Across from El Pinto Restaurant)
Suggested Contribution Levels:
Sponsors - $2,000 ($1,000 per campaign)
Supporters - $1,000 ($500 per campaign)
Guests - $500 ($250 per campaign)
Contributions should be made payable to:
Committee to Elect Hector Balderas and Committee to Elect Mary Herrera
Checks can be sent to: PO Box 30561 Albuquerque, NM 87190
RSVP to 385-5900
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Diane Denish – Ted Martinez, Chair

October 10, 2006 at 09:15 AM in Events | Permalink | Comments (7)

Monday, October 09, 2006

A Short Jaunt Back to the Lamont-Lieberman Campaign

After complaining about the Democratic leadership, including Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid, for "politicizing" the Foley-Hastert scandal, Big Baby Lieberman is now mocking DNC Chair Howard Dean in connection with this funny (and accurate) new Lamont ad:

Here's what the Dem turncoat Joey blog (such that it is) has to say:

If you have not had a chance to check out Ned’s new ad, please do (Quicktime).  It’s a scream.

Howard Dean would be proud.

Unfortunately for Ned, his fans are not.

Tell me again why this is tolerated by Dems who can do something about it? Shut up, Joe! And, yeah, I do think Dean would be proud of the ad -- along with everyone I know who sides with real Dems against DLC pretenders. (Tip 'o the hat to firedoglake.)

October 9, 2006 at 10:00 PM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (1)

New Grassroots Political Billboard: No More Clowns!

(Click on photo for larger version.)

From Terry Riley:
If you want a little cheer as you work toward election day I would like to suggest that you take a little drive in Albuquerque down Zuni. On the left side of the street just west of Louisiana you will catch a pony-board, small size bill board, with an evil looking clown walking down an empty New Mexico highway with typical New Mexico ranch land in the background, mountains on the horizon and a beautiful New Mexico sky (see my photo above). A pleasant picture except for the evil clown. He symbolizes the Republicans who have done so much damage to our country over the last eight plus years.  It is time for this to come to an end and therefore the message:  No More Clowns ... Vote Democratic!

I certainly hope that this makes people think about the mess our politics are in and that the general public is ready for responsible government which I am ready to ride herd on Democrats to make sure happens. I also hope that politicians notice that mud and hate are not the only ways to get a message in front of the public.  I am trying to get civility to campaigning, what a thought.

Close-up of pony board.

Take a drive and take a look. This pony board will be up until after the election. I have another full size board that will be going up for the last seven days before the election. This one will be on Menaul just west of Eubank. It will be over Brian O'Brian's Pub facing eastbound traffic.  I wish I had thought of this earlier so there would have been better coverage. I am proud of my small contribution. I certainly hope that it either gives Democratic voters confidence to go ahead and vote Democratic or maybe gives Republican voters a moment to pause and consider if they can afford to continue to support the current crop of Republican candidates.

Editor's Note: I hear that MergingLeft put up two more of their political billboards as well -- one on Isleta at the curve and one on Coors near Bridge Street. If anyone has seen them or has a photo, let me know. Power to the people!

October 9, 2006 at 02:35 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink | Comments (4)

LAST CHANCE: Register to Vote!

I'll remind everyone again: If you want to vote in the November 7th election, you need to be registered by 5:00 PM TOMORROW, October 10th. You can register at your County Clerk's office. Several Democratic campaign offices are also registering voters and will take your completed form to the Clerk's office for you:

Bill Richardson for Governor 2006
111 Lomas Blvd. NW, Suite 120
Albuquerque, NM 87102
PHONE: 505-828-BILL
Click for on other Richardson campaign offices around the state

Patricia Madrid for Congress
Main Office: 200 Oak St. NE #4
Albuquerque, NM 87106
PHONE: 505-242-6000

South Valley Office: 1220 Isleta Blvd. SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105
PHONE: 505-452-2006

Other campaigns may also be registering voters, but these are the two that I know for sure are doing so. You can find more info on voting at my previous post.

October 9, 2006 at 11:25 AM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink | Comments (0)

Today: Madeleine Albright, Patricia Madrid to Discuss Intelligence Failures, Need for Change

Albright Attorney General Patricia Madrid, the Democratic challenger in the NM-01 congressional race, and former U.N. Ambassador and U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright will today discuss the intelligence failures that led us to war and the need to take national security in a new direction to make America safer.

The event will take place at the American Legion Post 72, 5107 Central NW (just east of Old Coors), at 4:00 PM, Monday, October 9 (TODAY). The public is invited to attend. Click for map.

October 9, 2006 at 10:06 AM in Candidates & Races, Events, Iraq War | Permalink | Comments (2)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

10/12: HANM Community Meeting on Behavioral Health

UPDATE: Per Marvin Moss, this is also a joint meeting with the Democratic Party of Bernalillo County, which replaces this month's Third Thursday meeting.

Thursday, October 12th, 6:30-8:00 PM
2444 Louisiana NE (south of Menaul)
NMSU Offices, First Floor Foyer- enter in back

“NM Behavioral Health Services ... How Does it Work? Does It Work?”

Presenters: State Behavioral Health Collaborative, Karen Meador; HSD Value Options of New Mexico, Pam Galbreth; CEO Bernalillo County Local Collaborative, Peter Cubra

Join us! Everyone Welcome.

October 8, 2006 at 05:00 PM in Events, Healthcare | Permalink | Comments (0)