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Monday, October 23, 2006
Otero Mesa Action National Call in Day: 10/24
From the NM Wilderness Alliance:
Tuesday, October 24 will be a National Call-In Day to Senator Bingaman, urging him to introduce legislation to permanently protect Otero Mesa from oil and gas drilling.
In the past, Senator Bingaman has been supportive and sympathetic to preserving Otero Mesa, and most recently has proposed funding a study of the groundwater aquifer under Otero Mesa. While the Senator's efforts are much appreciated, he has yet to make a firm commitment to protecting Otero Mesa, even though his constituents have been urging him to do so for more than four years.
A groundwater study will not stop oil and gas drilling. If oil and gas drilling moves forward in Otero Mesa, the aquifer could be contaminated just when the study is beginning to fully understand this precise resource.
It is clear that Senator Bingaman must take a strong leadership role and introduce legislation to preserve Otero Mesa's water, wildlife, and unique wilderness characteristics.
Please call Senator Bingaman on Tuesday, October 24 to urge him to protect America's largest and wildest desert grassland. Other organizations across the country will be asking their members to do the same. With your call, we can ensure that our message is heard loud and clear.
Senator Bingaman's Phone Numbers:
In Washington, D.C.--(202) 224-5521
In Albuquerque, NM--(505) 346-6601
Also: Sign the Petition: If you haven't signed the Otero Mesa Petition to Senator Bingaman yet, you can do so by clicking here.
Editor's Note: If you haven't yet visited Otero Mesa, check out the website of the Coalition for Otero Mesa for many excellent photos of the area taken during various seasons, including one set taken last month.
October 23, 2006 at 03:43 PM in Environment | Permalink
Have Ibex and Oryx encroached on that area?
Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 24, 2006 2:45:56 AM