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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
NRCC Drops More Money for Phone Work in NM-01
We previously reported on the National Republican Congressional Committee's releasing more than $6,000 to pay a notoriously dirty campaign outfit to make what will no doubt be nasty phone calls in NM-01 against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid's campaign. Today's check of FEC records shows another big buy with the same Rove-connected outfit, this time to the tune of $2,820 in New Mexico and many thousands more in hot Congressional races nationwide. That totals almost $9,000 that's been transferred over the past several days to the infamous firm of Larson & Synhorst DCI for use against Madrid.
Also recall that the despicable ex-Rep. Mark Foley donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to the NRCC, and that the NRCC also has designs on seizing Foley's own sizeable campaign war chest. (See this post on local blog Live From Silver City.) I guess Repub incumbent Rep. Heather Wilson has no qualms accept this kind of help from the NRCC even though significant amounts of their funds are tainted by a Mark Foley connection. Have you heard Wilson urging the NRCC to refuse to use any dollars they get via the Foley connection? Neither have I.
October 11, 2006 at 03:00 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink
Wow what a lineup in that pic. The Three PUSketeers!
Posted by: Zoomer | Oct 11, 2006 3:28:26 PM
a neighbor of mine already got one such nasty automated call.
Recommendation: Let the message play and tie up the auto dialer as long as possible. You don't even have to listen. Just let it run to the end.
Posted by: | Oct 11, 2006 8:22:47 PM