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    Monday, October 09, 2006

    New Grassroots Political Billboard: No More Clowns!

    (Click on photo for larger version.)

    From Terry Riley:
    If you want a little cheer as you work toward election day I would like to suggest that you take a little drive in Albuquerque down Zuni. On the left side of the street just west of Louisiana you will catch a pony-board, small size bill board, with an evil looking clown walking down an empty New Mexico highway with typical New Mexico ranch land in the background, mountains on the horizon and a beautiful New Mexico sky (see my photo above). A pleasant picture except for the evil clown. He symbolizes the Republicans who have done so much damage to our country over the last eight plus years.  It is time for this to come to an end and therefore the message:  No More Clowns ... Vote Democratic!

    I certainly hope that this makes people think about the mess our politics are in and that the general public is ready for responsible government which I am ready to ride herd on Democrats to make sure happens. I also hope that politicians notice that mud and hate are not the only ways to get a message in front of the public.  I am trying to get civility to campaigning, what a thought.

    Close-up of pony board.

    Take a drive and take a look. This pony board will be up until after the election. I have another full size board that will be going up for the last seven days before the election. This one will be on Menaul just west of Eubank. It will be over Brian O'Brian's Pub facing eastbound traffic.  I wish I had thought of this earlier so there would have been better coverage. I am proud of my small contribution. I certainly hope that it either gives Democratic voters confidence to go ahead and vote Democratic or maybe gives Republican voters a moment to pause and consider if they can afford to continue to support the current crop of Republican candidates.

    Editor's Note: I hear that MergingLeft put up two more of their political billboards as well -- one on Isleta at the curve and one on Coors near Bridge Street. If anyone has seen them or has a photo, let me know. Power to the people!

    October 9, 2006 at 02:35 PM in Candidates & Races, Democratic Party, Visuals | Permalink


    That's great billboard in a perfect location, it gets a tremendous amount of traffic at all hours of the day and night.

    Posted by: VP | Oct 9, 2006 3:49:53 PM

    A bit off topic, but I always wondered how much a billboard cost.

    Posted by: | Oct 9, 2006 11:08:42 PM

    If we had bought four pony boards for 30 days it would have cost about $1,800. We ended up taking three pony boards for 30 days and one full board for seven days. I believe that we got a special deal.

    Posted by: Terry Riley | Oct 10, 2006 11:16:30 AM

    We need boards like this all over town. I hope more people take up the idea Terry has.

    Posted by: Roadrunner | Oct 10, 2006 3:01:32 PM

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