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Friday, October 13, 2006

More NM Swiftboating: Bibb Tries to Smear Dem AG Candidate Gary King

With at least $150,000 in campaign contributions coming into New Mexico from Houston's Bob and Doylene Perry, the key funders of 2004's despicable Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, it's no wonder that the campaigns for many Republican candidates in New Mexico are resorting to disreputable tactics as we close in on election day. I examined some of this in a earlier post.

Now a post on , Gov. Bill Richardson's blog, explains how Swiftboat tactics are being employed by Repub candidate Jim Bibb in his latest ad against his Dem rival, Gary King. It's clear that the long knives of the worst of the Republican Party have been drawn here in New Mexico. I've always thought the best response to irresponsible and dishonest campaigning is to donate time or money to the candidate who's getting Swiftboated. Click to visit and lend a hand. The Swiftboaters won't like it.

October 13, 2006 at 03:09 PM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


That Swiftboat money and the dirty tactics are in almost all of the major Republican campaigns in NM. Most people I talk to are disgusted by the stuff sent out by Wilson and the Republican ads. They are a turnoff for most and can't be winning many converts.

Posted by: Red or Green | Oct 14, 2006 1:30:48 PM


This isn't on this topic but I have been unable to post on here since this morning. Also, the loading of images and other elements has been having problems since yesterday, inconsistently. If you are having trouble with the page loading, this is why.

Unfortunately, TypePad has been absolutely no help in solving these problems. I haven't been able to post since this morning and have submitted many requests for support but there has been no answer from them as of now.

I guess this is what happens when a company merges and becomes huge. It's very frustrating.

Posted by: barb | Oct 14, 2006 3:15:48 PM

Gary King is a genuinely nice guy. This mud will probably slide off.

Posted by: KathyF | Oct 15, 2006 2:53:24 AM

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