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Saturday, October 07, 2006


NOTE: This post was for the 2006 election. For information related to registering for the November 4, 2008 presidential election, click here and here.


RegisterRegister to Vote: If you plan to vote in the November 7th general election, you must be registered to vote by Tuesday, October 10th at 5:00 PM. You can call the Patricia Madrid campaign at 242-6000 (Albuquerque) if you need to get registered, or call your County Clerk directly to get more info or confirm that you are registered (see County Clerk info below).

Note: If you've moved since you last registered, you need to contact the County Clerk to change your address. Also, if you never received your voter registration ID from the County Clerk, you need to call and find out why because you may be listed as an "inactive voter" on the rolls. NOW is the time to get things straightened out to avoid possible hassles at the polls.


Early In-Person Voting: Starts Tuesday, October 10th at your County Clerk's office and continues through November 4th.

Early Alternate Location Voting: Starts October 21st in most counties and continues through November 4th. These sites are in addition to early voting at your County Clerk's office. According to the NM Secretary of State, "Absentee-early in-person voting may be done in person on an electronic voting machine at the alternate sites from 12:00 PM until 8:00 PM on Tuesday through Friday and 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM Saturday until the Saturday before the election." The locations of these sites will be released soon by your County Clerk.

Absentee (Mail-In) Voting: This is ongoing and November 3rd is the last day to request an absentee ballot from your County Clerk.

General Election Day: On November 7th you can vote at the polling place designated for your precinct. The polls will be open from 7 AM to 7 PM all over New Mexico.


Bernalillo County: Find out where to vote at the Bernalillo County Clerk's Website or call 768-4085 for information on any aspect of registering or voting.

Other Counties:
Dona Ana: 647-7428
Los Alamos: 662-8010
Sandoval: 867-7572
Santa Fe: 986-6280
Socorro: 835-0423
Taos: 737-6380
Torrance: 384-2221
Valencia: 866-2073

Click for a listing of contact info for all County Clerks in NM.

CANDIDATES & BALLOTS: The NM Secretary of State's website has listings of:

Your County Clerk's office has information on other races in your county to be voted upon November 7th.

Another excellent source is the League of Women Voters of NM, which includes their trusty Voters Guide. You can find links to LWV chapters in Albuquerque, Las Cruces, Los Alamos and Santa Fe by clicking here.

October 7, 2006 at 12:17 PM in Election Reform & Voting | Permalink


It looks like the early voting locations for the General Election in Bernalillo County will be the same as for the Primary. There's a fun event scheduled for Sat. Oct. 21, the first day of early voting, at Barelas Community Center. Then they will march a few blocks to cast their early votes.

The newsprint version of the League of Women Voters Voter Guide for Central New Mexico should be in grocery stores and other locations soon. (The one on-line is from Los Alamos, so it doesn't include our Congressional district.)

Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Oct 7, 2006 1:06:20 PM



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