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    Wednesday, October 18, 2006

    Hector Balderas: Dem Candidate for NM State Auditor

    Hector Balderas, the Democratic candidate for State Auditor, now has a campaign website at https://www.hectorbalderas.com/. Above is a recent interview of Balderas by KRQE News 13's Dick Knipfing, where he describes his experience and how it matches the demands of the job.

    Balderas has pledged to refuse campaign contributions from anyone who does business with the State Auditor's office:

    From Hector Balderas for State Auditor:
    ALBUQUERQUE–State Representative Hector Balderas (D-District 68) this week announced that he will refuse all political contributions to his campaign for State Auditor from any firm or individual who does business with the Auditor’s office.

    “The integrity of the Auditor’s Office is more important that any financial contribution,” said Balderas. “I must ensure the public has faith in the work being done in the Auditor’s office. The first step toward this goal is to avoid any wrongdoing or even the slightest appearance of impropriety between my campaign and the entities that do work with the Auditor’s office.”

    As State Auditor, Balderas will establish a Taxpayer Protection Initiative to improve government accountability by investigating fraud and illegal acts that affect government resources. Through this initiative, the State Auditor’s Office will assist in the prosecution of cases related to the improper use of public funds.

    Currently, Balderas serves thirty-three Northern New Mexico communities in the New Mexico House of Representatives, which includes his membership on the House Ethics Committee. He has led the fight against price gouging, and advocated for ethics reform and the development and implementation of renewable energy.

    Balderas challenges his opponent in the State Auditor’s race to also refuse such contributions.

    October 18, 2006 at 08:30 PM in Candidates & Races, Visuals | Permalink


    I really like Hector as a candidate. He was excellent when he spoke at our Meetup. He has my vote.

    Posted by: DFNM Member | Oct 19, 2006 11:38:11 AM


    The above link will take you to Mario Burgos site where he links Balderas to the Vigil Kickback scheme - isn't this what we heard about Armijo and were told Armijo was an awful person because of it? Sorry, I heard Balderas speak that night at DFNM and did not hear what I wanted from an auditor. Balderas said, "I am not an Auditor... I am an advocate," and, "I am the product of every social welfare program ever made." I am sorry, but I don't want the welfare candidate with no experience that has now accepted $25,000 from the GUV and then challenges his opponent not to accept any contributions from certain people for ethical reasons. Newsflash Hector, your opponent only has $10,000 total! He has not accepted any contributions from anyone! I think the choice is very clear for this race. Lorenzo Garcia gets my vote and should get everyone elses. Just visit both of their websites and compare. Balderas should have remained a Legislator where we need the advocates, but Garcia is a born auditor. Besides, not voting for Garcia simply since he is on the Republican ticket is flat out ignorant.

    Posted by: | Oct 19, 2006 4:42:22 PM

    Yeah we all know how truthful Mario Burgos is. He's a Republican hack. Of course Hector got campaign funds from Richardson. So did pretty much every other Democrat on the ticket. So what?

    As everyone should know, the State Auditor is a manager. Contracts go out to pros for audits so there is no need to be a CPA.

    Balderas is one of the young, up and coming Democrats and you writing this stuff here means nothing. You are probably a Republican anyway and are making things up like the statements you supposedly quote Balderas saying.

    Come on, Garcia ran as a GREEN before. No connection to reality.

    Posted by: Anon | Oct 19, 2006 5:58:21 PM

    If you re going to criticize Hector at least put your name on your post. The govenor is passing this money out to all Dems. Hector is a young sincere honest candidiate who jumped in the race nine weeks to fill a gap to have a good dem win!!!
    It took guts to do what he did.

    Posted by: Charlotte | Oct 19, 2006 10:52:13 PM

    Well, I think the auditor should be a CPA!
    Incompetence is supposed to be main flaw of Republican governance.
    "Young, up and coming" does not comfort me.

    Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 20, 2006 1:27:06 PM

    OK! I went to his web-site, as scanty as it is, I will buy that the guy has advocated on the side of true justice. He has my vote!

    Posted by: qofdisks | Oct 20, 2006 1:31:13 PM

    Charlotte..you are right. However, for good dems to win, we could insist on doing some things right. The down ballot candidates are going to win. The Republicans do not have a strategy to beat straight party voting so it does give us an opportunity to show our best side. It appears the acceptable and reasonable money help from the top of the ticket(from listening to other candidates and political insiders) is between $10,000 to $15,000.00. The State Auditor, above all, should be truly independant. He is going to win. He should return the larger contributions($30,000 and $90,000 for TV ads..from one source..WOW), it would show good faith. It is right to help elect Democrats lets ask our Dem candidates to do it right.

    Posted by: Si Se Puede Dem | Oct 21, 2006 6:14:57 AM

    Hector Balderas is DEFINATELY the BEST CHOICE especially do to the fact that Garcia has a LONG history of dishonesty and extremely questionable acts and practices which can and are currently being reviewed. New Mexico needs some YOUNG HONEST, PROFESSIONAL, and DEDICATED blood in office NOT someone who cant decide if he's a dem, green or republican..this fluke Lorenzo needs to realize that he may have a CPA but being DISHONEST is absolutely UNETHICAL and will NOT BE TOLERATED!!! Balderas; You are young, honest and very hard working, YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!!!!

    Posted by: WC Jones | Nov 6, 2006 1:34:50 AM

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