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    Tuesday, October 10, 2006

    Gov. Richardson & Lt. Gov. Denish Host Benefit for Hector Balderas and Mary Herrera Campaigns 10/13

    October 13th
    Governor Bill Richardson and Lt. Governor Diane Denish
    Invite you To A Reception In Support of Hector Balderas Candidate for State Auditor
    Mary Herrera Candidate for Secretary of State
    Friday October 13, 2006 5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
    At 10445 4th Street NW Albuquerque (Across from El Pinto Restaurant)
    Suggested Contribution Levels:
    Sponsors - $2,000 ($1,000 per campaign)
    Supporters - $1,000 ($500 per campaign)
    Guests - $500 ($250 per campaign)
    Contributions should be made payable to:
    Committee to Elect Hector Balderas and Committee to Elect Mary Herrera
    Checks can be sent to: PO Box 30561 Albuquerque, NM 87190
    RSVP to 385-5900
    Paid for by the Committee to Elect Diane Denish – Ted Martinez, Chair

    October 10, 2006 at 09:15 AM in Events | Permalink


    Is this the same Hector Balderas that was a State Representative up north (even though he lives & spends much more of his time in Albuquerque's south valley) that took money from Robert Vigil & Co. as indicated by Mario Burgos in September 2005 (check link below)?


    Didn't people like Carter Bundy, Eric Griego, & Eli Lee & friends get their panties in a bunch about 2006 Primary Election winner Jeff Armijo receiving a $50 dollar campaign contribution, which he eventually gave back, and went out on a spin that Armijo was involved in the Vigil kickback scheme? I am willing to bet that those involved in removing Armijo & appointing Balderas are either not aware or dont care because they are not interested in getting "A qualified candidate" into office, they were only interested in fulfilling a personal vendetta against Armijo. Hypocrites!

    Posted by: | Oct 10, 2006 6:27:54 PM

    Also, just wanted to add that Balderas has 3 seperate traffic violations & a debt collection from General Motors (https://www.nmcourts.com). Maybe Balderas thinks he is above the law! I thought Armijo was bad, maybe its a hispanic thing!

    Posted by: placitasroy | Oct 10, 2006 6:39:18 PM

    What is your point? I have visited Hector Balderas and his family at his home in Wagon Mound. I can vouch for his integrity and honesty.
    I have traffic violations too. Doe sthat me make me ineligible to run for office?
    Give me a GOOD reason not to vote for HB.

    Posted by: Charlotte | Oct 12, 2006 10:42:37 PM

    Charlotte, PlacitasRoy goes around these blogs saying all kinds of things... he said these very same things about Jeff. You are right - a few minor traffic violations, a very small donation from Vigil, and no financial background at all - are not good reasons for not voting for a candidate for state auditor. Effective management skills are what the office needs. However, I heard you giving these same reasons at the door of the Smith Brasher Hall at TVI (CNM) at the SCC Meeting for not supporting Armijo. Don't be a hypocrite. I can give you a reason why we should vote for the other guy, Lorenzo Garcia - He is an all around better choice. Here are my reasons why: 1. He is more qualified - CPA 2. He has direct experience in legislative audits 3. He is independent - on the recent campaign finance report the Governor, who advocates for the appointment of the Treasurer and Auditor, gave Balderas $25,000! Obviously, this is not ethical. 4. Garcia is hardly a Republican. He was a Democrat, then a Green and now a Republican only to get a chance to be on the ballot because the NM Political system sucks!

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Oct 13, 2006 5:04:34 PM

    Oh yeah, Lorenzo Garcia is also endorsed by all of the NM Newspapers and AFSCME union.

    Posted by: Westside Voter | Oct 13, 2006 5:06:24 PM

    Hector Balderas is DEFINATELY the BEST CHOICE especially do to the fact that Garcia has a LONG history of dishonesty and extremely questionable acts and practices which can and are currently being reviewed. New Mexico needs some young YOUNG PROFESSIONAL and DEDICATED blood in office NOT someone who cant decide if he's a dem, green or republican..this fluke Lorenzo needs to realize that he may have a CPA but being DISHONEST is absolutely UNETHICAL and will NOT BE TOLERATED!!! Balderas; You are young, honest and very hard working, YOU HAVE MY VOTE!!!!!

    Posted by: W.C. Jones | Nov 6, 2006 1:07:37 AM

    Charlotte, give me a break. If the likes of Carter Bundy, Eric Griego and Eli Lee using anonymous mail tricks and using personal threats qualify as being honest and having integrity on behalf of thier buddies like Balderas, you are in denial. W.C. Jones and what is your definition of being HONEST? Maybe Charlotte can show you copies of rent checks, since she "visited", to show Mr.Baldera's real residence. Eric Griego verbally vouched, and I quote, "I will destroy your political career, Jeff." I know, I was there. Is this integrity and honesty? Carty Bundy, in June 2006, told the Journal that Garcia was endorsed because he was a CPA and better qualified then came and introduced Balderas at a DNM meeting. HONESTY? If Balderas is dedicated, why did he not work hard, get petitions, go to the convention, campaign and seek primary election votes? That is the rule, attorneys understand that. Charlotte, why do you qualify Balderas with the same criteris you disqualify Jeff? Jeff is HONEST beyond a doubt, Balderas is dishonest and Garcia is dishonest. Montoya's and Vigil's case PALES in comparison to the corruption in the political system and the judicial system, I might add. A Distrrict Judge telling Jeff's legal team not to go to court but he is going to issue a SEAL TIGHT summary that can't be overturned by the Supreme Court. Charlotte, W.C. Jones, go ahead tell me about Honesty, Integrity, New blood, Youth. 60% of the regular voters in New Mexico put exactly that in the palms of your hands. Could you please comment, honestly?

    Posted by: undecided voter | Nov 6, 2006 4:13:18 AM

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