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    Friday, October 27, 2006

    Early Voting Tips: Bernalillo County

    VotedemGuest post by Suzanne Prescott:
    Early stories in the press and TV might worry some but if you play the odds, voting won't take that long. First - any registered voter who wants to vote early can vote at ANY of the early voting sites. According to Bernalillo count clerk, Mary Herrera, the sites with the shortest lines are at:

    So the best tip for many is to drive the extra few minutes to vote at one of those sites. (The heaviest voting yesterday took place at ACADEMY OFFICE PARK, 6739 Academy NE.)

    Second - According to Herrera the least busy time is between 6 and 8 PM. Wait until after dinner and drive to an early voting location of your choice. Voting at a time when you don't have to be back at work is also bound to be less stressful.

    Third -  take supplies with you.  Early voters could be seen with books, water bottles and magazines. We also suggest you might think about a folding camp chair and one of those TIVO or Dish mini screens (PVR or DVR) for a quick peek at your favorite show. Perhaps the most interesting activity would be to turn to others in the line and ask them what they think of the TV ads that have been playing, how many  voters they think rely on ads rather than more careful analysis of where candidates stand on the issues. That should make for lively discussion.

    Lastly - think about this. Whenever a new system is introduced there is a learning curve and a period adjustment to work out the "bugs." Our old system was broken; it needed to be fixed in order for everyone to feel that the vote they had cast was being counted. Part of the reason voting is taking more than a couple of minutes is that the ballot itself is long. There are many races and a number of issues voters are asked to cast their ballot on. The ballot is printed in small type so we suggest that you take a magnifying glass if you have one, although magnifying glasses are available at the voting locations. You might also want to take a mini flashlight in case a brighter light makes the ballot easier to read. As always, any voter may request help with voting if needed. Use whatever help is there to get in and out as quickly as possible.

    If you've voted early, what was your experience and how long did it take? What tips, if any, do you have to offer?

    For your information early voting for the Nov. 7 general election is available at 13 locations throughout Bernalillo County:

    Editor's Notes:
    Voting Hours at the Bernalillo County sites listed above are:
    Tuesday, October 24 thru Friday, October 27: Noon - 8:00 pm
    Saturday, October 28: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm
    Tuesday, October 31 thru Friday, November 3: Noon - 8:00 pm
    Saturday, November 4: 10:00 am - 6:00 pm

    For info on early voting sites in other counties, contact your County Clerk. You can find contact information for them here.

    October 27, 2006 at 10:26 AM in Election Reform & Voting, Guest Blogger | Permalink


    I voted on Oct 21st at Academy Office Park at about 1PM. The line was about an hour to obtain my ballot. They had too few desktops in which to fill out the ballot, and the fine point pen they gave took too long to actually fill in the ovals. That, the lack of desk stations, plus the long ballot was what caused the long lines. They should have more desk stations and provide a fat marker to fill the ovals. Would speed things up by 2x at least.

    Posted by: ABQtom | Oct 27, 2006 11:43:38 AM

    I voted Tuesday or Wednesday at 4pm at San Mateo and Kathryn SE. The limiting factor there was enough chairs in the desk stations, since they are at an awkward height for standing. (Next time, some should be set at standing height.) They said you could vote straight ticket and change a few, but without a display it wasn't clear if that worked, or where straight ticket took you to, so I think most people filled in all the ovals anyway.

    If you haven't done so, I think the best use of your time waiting is reading the League of Women Voters voter guide (available at the polling place), so you'll know about the bond issues and constitutional amendments when you get to them.

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Oct 27, 2006 3:00:12 PM

    You said, "They said you could vote straight ticket and change a few, but without a display it wasn't clear if that worked, or where straight ticket took you to, so I think most people filled in all the ovals anyway."

    Yes, you can fill in the straight ticket but still fill in ovals for races where you decide to vote for another party's candidate. The ovals you fill in will override the straight ticket for just the races you have targeted as exceptions.

    Posted by: suz | Oct 28, 2006 11:58:08 AM

    How do we know it really works that way? There isn't an audit included in this election.

    Also, how do you tell where the end of the candidates affected by a straight ticket vote is? I think it is just before the heading about the non-partisan judges, but there needs to be a double line there or something.

    It isn't as if paper ballots are brand new to New Mexico. We've been using them for absentee voting for years, and I'm told 11 of New Mexico's 33 counties already used them for all their voting.

    Posted by: Michelle Meaders | Oct 29, 2006 6:23:22 PM

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