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    Thursday, October 05, 2006

    Data Breakdown in Zogby/Reuters Poll in Madrid-Wilson Race

    Joe Monahan has a PDF of the breakdown of data within the Zogby/Reuters poll released yesterday that shows Dem challenger Patricia Madrid with a 10 point lead over Republican incumbent Heather Wilson in the NM-01 congressional race. Must be nice to have "Alligators" willing to chip in and buy the polling data on your behalf! You can read Monahan's take on the data and the race here.

    Some interesting results:

    Wilson beats Madrid in only two income groups, those making between $75,000-$100,00 and those making more than $100,000.

    Of those shopping with varying frequency at WalMart, Wilson beats Madrid in only one category, those who shop there weekly. The majority of those who shop at WalMart only a few times a month, 1-2 times a year or never are in the Madrid column.

    Only 7% of Democrats polled say they will vote for Wilson. With the Democrats' advantage in voter registration in the district, the conventional wisdom is that Wilson would have to win about 25% of Democratic votes to win.

    Asked whether Wilson deserves to be relected or if it's time for someone new, 58.0% of the total polled want someone new, while 38.5% want Wilson reelected. A total of 87.6% of Democrats, 19.4% of Republicans and 67.6% of Independents want someone new.

    October 5, 2006 at 09:29 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


    Almost every number looks good for the Democrats. Everybody needs to get out and vote!

    Posted by: Red or Green | Oct 5, 2006 11:25:29 AM

    Let's hope these numbers hold. Not sure they are accurate but these seem to be right on how the energy is going in this race. Wilson seems to have no momentum at all except down.

    Funny about the walmart shoppers.

    Posted by: JLC | Oct 5, 2006 12:28:28 PM

    Wilson beats Madrid in only two income groups, those making between $75,000-$100,00 and those making more than $100,000.

    So basically - anyone earning above $75K/annually is considered more likely to be in Wilson's 'column.'

    Posted by: Kitt | Oct 6, 2006 9:00:14 AM

    I take Zogby's online polls all the time, and they always ask how often I shop at WalMart. I'm sure this is deeply significant in polling circles.

    Posted by: KathyF | Oct 7, 2006 12:51:59 AM

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