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    Thursday, October 12, 2006

    Clean Energy Group Organizes in Las Cruces

    This is a guest post by Ed Fulmer a renewable energy advocate who blogs at Alternative Comment:

    Every day there is growing consensus that fossil fuel based transportation, energy generation and agriculture is not sustainable into the future. A new group has formed in Las Cruces to explore clean renewable affordable energy solutions. The Southwest Energy Alliance meets the first Wednesday of each month, 6 p.m., at the South West Environmental Center on the Mall in Las Cruces.

    The group brings together energetic, capable and imaginative citizens dedicated to public education, citizen action and the installation of renewable energy production facilities. If you attend one of their meetings you will find a full agenda of energy related topics. Biofuels, geothermal energy, solar installation, wind energy technology, government incentives, community education and clean energy capitalization are some of what you’ll hear. The Alliance is a discussion group, a government watchdog and a community advocate for clean energy. In addition, there are field trips to renewable energy facilities.

    The group was in action on Thursday October 5th when two members met with the City Project Administrator for the new city hall. The topic was Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification for the facility. The way this building is constructed will determine it’s effect on the wallets and the health of Las Crucens for decades to come.

    The South West Environmental Center is an appropriate venue for Energy Alliance meetings. SWEC is poised to become a focal point of clean energy in southern New Mexico. The New Mexico Legislature passed and the Governor authorized funding for the installation of a solar electric system and a solar energy education exhibit at the center. However, New Mexico State University, tasked with installation, has reportedly reneged on fulfilling the intent of the legislation to include an educational exhibit.

    As we continue to move toward the tipping point, whether it is the economic impact of high energy prices or the environmental impact of global warming, pollutants and resource extraction, the South West Energy Alliance will be working on solutions.

    October 12, 2006 at 09:03 AM in Environment, Guest Blogger | Permalink


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