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    Monday, October 30, 2006

    Bush Lies About Iraq War, Just Like Heather Wilson

    Remember, according to Bush, his Iraq policy never consisted of "stay the course." And remember, according to Heather Wilson, we're "making great progress" in Iraq. These people will say anything to hold onto power. Why?

    One reason: if Dems win back at least one House of Congress, we can revitalize the oversight the legislative branch was designed to extend over the executive branch and find out what's really going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. With the growing chaos in both of those areas, you can understand why Bush and Wilson, two peas in a pod, want to cling to their power even if they have to lie and lie and lie. Be a part of the solution: Be sure you vote, volunteer, get all your friends to vote. We need a change in America and this is our best chance to start getting it.

    October 30, 2006 at 08:30 AM in Democratic Party, Iraq War, Visuals | Permalink


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