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    Monday, October 16, 2006

    Bush and Wilson: Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them

    It's no wonder that George W. Bush and Heather Wilson are viewed as bosom buddies -- they both lie like rugs, on many of the same topics. There are reams of documentation about Bush administration lies on a myriad of issues, including the whoppers they've spewed since they first decided to invade Iraq. Some of the latest revelations are in Bob Woodword's new book, State of Denial, and the leaked intelligence report that states the Iraq occupation is creating more terrorism, not making us safer.

    Wilson, the Repub incumbent who's running against Dem challenger Patricia Madrid in NM-01, can surely be seen as a kind of co-conspirator in these lies. After all, she a longstanding member of the House Subcomittee on Intelligence Policy and raised nary a peep to challenge the distortions churned out by the Bushies, even though she now claims she did. Wilson continues to lie about what she did to help "sell" Bush's Iraq invasion. And her story's getting just a might muddled.

    Which Is It, Heather?
    According to a Saturday Albuquerque Journal article,

    "The intelligence that caused me to vote in favor of authorizing the use of force was not Saddam's nuclear program, but his biological program," Wilson said in the written statement this week.

    However, back on March 8, 2003, just before the Iraq War started, Wilson told the Albuquerque Tribune that it wasn't just biological weapons - that it was also Saddam's chemical weapons and his desire to obtain nuclear weapons that caused her to vote for the war:

    "For me," (Wilson) said, "the action against Iraq has to do with chemical and biological weapons and Saddam Hussein's desire to get nuclear weapons. We can't let him have those weapons."

    This dishonesty follows on the heels of a similar factual foul-up just a few weeks ago. In that case Wilson told the Albuquerque Tribune she'd questioned how accurate the intelligence was, but still voted for the war. Oops -- three years earlier she told the Journal that there was no incorrect intelligence used to hype the war, period.  Again, which is it, Heather?

    Had enough? Call the Madrid Campaign at 505-242-6000 and volunteer and/or click to make a campaign donation. We need change in Washington and it needs to start right here.

    October 16, 2006 at 09:00 PM in Candidates & Races, Iraq War | Permalink


    It must be hard to keep your story straight when you hem and haw about the truth constantly. I love your artwork too and it says it all.

    Posted by: Roadrunner | Oct 17, 2006 9:37:17 AM

    It's lies like these that will make the difference in this race. Voters are sick of being lied to about this war and Wilson seems unable to stop her lying. Watch out though as Rove and his pals must be getting very desperate with Republican numbers down all over.

    Posted by: Old Dem | Oct 17, 2006 1:19:28 PM

    I was canvassing for Madrid this weekend and the place was hopping with energy and people. I hope everyone who reads this goes and volunteers. We need to get the lying fake Heather out of there once and for all.

    Posted by: Megan | Oct 17, 2006 2:23:27 PM

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