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    Sunday, October 01, 2006

    BREAKING: 10/1 Journal Poll: Madrid & Wilson Tied in NM-01

    It's a barn burner! According to the Sunday Albuquerque Journal:

    The Sept. 25-28 survey in the Albuquerque-based district found 44 percent supported [Republican incumbent Heather] Wilson for the congressional seat while 44 percent favored [Dem challenger Patricia] Madrid, the state attorney general.

    ... The poll found 7 percent of voters were undecided, while 5 percent— perhaps turned off by a monthslong blast of TV attack ads— said they would not vote for either candidate.

    ... The latest Journal Poll used a 400-voter sample and has about the same 5 percentage-point margin of error as an Aug. 25-31 Journal survey, which showed 45 percent of respondents for Wilson and 42 percent for Madrid.

    ...Madrid has solidified support within her own party, according to the polls: 74 percent of Democrats in the new poll said they favored her, compared with the late-August Journal survey showing 66 percent of Democrats supporting her. Wilson had support from 11 percent of Democrats in the new poll, down from 17 percent in the previous poll.

    ... Wilson needs to pick up a sizable portion of Democratic voters to keep her seat on Election Day, Sanderoff noted. State voter registration figures show Democrats outnumber Republicans by nearly 39,000 voters in the 1st Congressional District.
        "The Democrats are 'coming home' as the election gets closer— and they're obviously not going towards Wilson," Garcia said

    Now go buy the newspaper to get the rest. This is terrific news! Heather's going down....IF we keep at it!

    October 1, 2006 at 12:07 AM in Candidates & Races | Permalink


    This is truly great news. Madrid is trending up, and gaining momentum at the right time.

    Meanwhile, you have to wonder how great of an effect the GOP's nationwide implosion will have on our First Congressional Race...

    Posted by: | Oct 1, 2006 1:04:32 AM

    That is good news, but I can't help but think that the Madrid Campaign needs to do a whole lot more. I hope I am wrong but when I compare where other campaigns started from in the polls,(behind) and where they are now (ahead) it just seems like Madrid's campaign is weak. We have had a number of weeks of TV ad's pointing to Wilson's ties to Bu$h, isn't it about time to shift to other things? I believe the public wants to hear what Madrid plans to do that's different from Wilson. In other words it's time to give the voters some reasons to VOTE FOR MADRID. Pointing out that Wilson has spent her time placating Bu$h and seeing where that's taken this country, and where Madrid wants to work to take our country NOW could help give voters some of those reasons. Anyway, at least Madrid is holding her own against the smear, but who knows what nasty crap Rove will cook up while here.

    Posted by: VP | Oct 1, 2006 8:52:59 AM

    A little historical perspective never hurt. You can read analysis based on historical fact here.

    Posted by: < | Oct 1, 2006 11:30:14 AM

    Hey Mario, the day you criticize some of your own is the day you may have some chance of any credibility with reality-based Democrats. You have been churning out the nonissues for weeks now and thinking people aren't interested.

    You can say what you want about the past but more and more Americans are finally figuring out how Bush and the right wingers have lied to them and are taking them down a path to failure with each passing day. Go try and convince your Republican friends to rally for Wilson. Democrats know the difference between spin and facts.

    Posted by: JLC | Oct 1, 2006 11:36:48 AM

    And most likely, Heather has received some of the pooled money from the RNCC that came, in part, from donations from Mr. "Son, I'll take you to dinner at Morton's in my BMW,"

    Anyone have any idea if Mrs. Wilson has been friendly with female pages?

    Posted by: Just Askin' | Oct 1, 2006 7:13:51 PM

    I'd like to see Madrid focus on Wilson's last couple of votes: for torture and indefinite imprisonment, and for wiretapping without judicial oversight. If Wilson is so gung-ho to give the executive branch power that belongs to the judiciary or that it shouldn't have in the first place, shouldn't Madrid run against Wilson's record? "Heather Wilson: all about the Party Line. Patricia Madrid: not for making your phone a party line with Big Brother, and not for torture." I still shudder when I think of Wilson going all teary over Janet Jackson's breast. If that broke her up so badly, what will be her response to Congressman's Foley's "Ethics Malfunction?"

    Posted by: John in Santa Fe | Oct 1, 2006 9:34:12 PM

    In Wilson’s opening comments in her recent debate with Patricia Madrid she states: “I live my life based on an honor code that I learned at the United States Air Force Academy: We will not lie, steal or cheat – nor tolerate among us anyone who does.” This is the “independent” Wilson who has sided consistently with one of the most lying presidents in our history, a lying president guilty of distortions and illegalities, a lying president surrounded by right-wing corruption among Republican members of Congress such as Duke Cunningham, Tom DeLay, and Bob Ney. Wilson not only tolerates them she walks hand in hand with them and their president, supporting their interests blindly. It is time for no longer staying the course. It is time to get out of Iraq which is only becoming a cause celebre for jihadists and time to plan a different strategy against terrorism which cannot be overcome by traditional warfare. Wilson has helped get us into this mess and wishes to keep us in it. Time for change, I say.

    Posted by: Tony Cárdenas | Oct 2, 2006 10:47:19 PM

    Ms. Madrid seems to want to lose this race. In the end, people will vote on the local issues, not President Bush. I'm a long time, vote against Heather, but have been given very little to vote FOR Ms. Madrid. What will she do if the Republicans still control the House? How will she make a difference?

    Posted by: donald becker | Oct 20, 2006 2:45:16 PM

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