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    Wednesday, October 18, 2006

    Abundant Life - Celebrate the Valle Vidal This Friday in Taos

    From the Coalition for the Valle Vidal:
    The Taos County Club, the Coalition for the Valle Vidal and Sustain Taos invite you to the opening of

    Abundant Life Art Exhibit -- Celebrating the Valle Vidal
    Gallery on the Green, Taos County Club, Taos, NM
    Opening Reception, 6-9:00 PM, October 20, 2006

    Art exhibit opening admission free to artists; $25 for the public. Bioneers attendees receive a $10 discount. For more information visit: https://www.vallevidal.org.

    Coalition for the Valle Vidal:  Jim O’Donnell 505.758.3874; jodonnell@vallevidal.org

    Abundant Life Art Exhibit/Coalition for the Valle Vidal: William M. Brown; wmb3@zianet.com

    Taos Country Club: 505.758.7300.  Artists’ Contact: Betsy Carey, betsy@kitcarson.net

    NM Bioneers Conference/Sustain Taos:  Sharon Leach, 758-2103, sharonl@sustaintaos.org

    During the summer and fall this year, artists from throughout New Mexico and our neighboring states visited the Valle Vidal to portray its exceptional beauty in paintings, sculpture, film, pottery, photography, jewelry, and other media.

    The Gallery on the Green at the Taos Country Club will display these special artworks for sale at a gala reception on October 20th.  Artists will take half of the proceeds of their sales, and half will go directly to protecting and restoring the Valle Vidal.

    October 18, 2006 at 08:30 AM in Environment | Permalink


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